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MCAT & Working Full Time


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Hi everyone!

Last summer, I wrote the MCAT and scored 500, so I need to rewrite it for the schools I want to apply to. The thing is, last summer I was working full-time in a lab and really struggled to balance working and studying for the MCAT (cause I had signed up for one of those prep courses). This year, I was offered the same position in the lab and it would be full time. I really want to work for the experience and it strengthens my CV; however, I'm not really sure how to balance the working and studying? Any advice? This summer is my last chance to write the MCAT if I want to be able to apply during my 4th yr undergrad. Is it too risky to work and study knowing how bad I did on the first one. Is it worth giving up the research position to just study for the MCAT all 4 months? Any advice? 



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Everyone is different and I have seen people work full time and score in the 520 range. I studied full time without work and got a mediocre 511

you should know your capablities, I would say that my gut feeling is that you probably need to devote more time for the mcat, it will open more doors than the lab work.

However if you start now with 3-4 hours a day till September of late August you have more than enough time - perhaps even more study hours than 4 months of full time studies.

Only you know the answer to this, either options can work 

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I think you already answered your own question. You can't get into medschool with a bad MCAT but definitely can get into medschool if you didnt do research for one summer. If you already tried working full time and studying for the MCAT and you struggled, why would you repeat the struggle again? Focus on the MCAT, get a high score, and work on your CV now and during your 4th year. If you want to, you can do community volunteering for something a couple days/week in the summer, that way you can focus on your MCAT and still do something that will help your CV. 

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