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Savac last won the day on May 10 2015

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  1. I find it funny that this thread got revived just shortly after the QuARMS interviews that occurred a few days ago
  2. Only had time to watch a few parts of it for now, but I just have one thing to say to the legendary xxHunkyPremedxx: Yo dude, where did you get that pizza?
  3. Exams finish at the end of May. In first year we also have community week from June 1st-5th.
  4. I think that was the trend in general this year. Less people seemed to be posting stats on the forums.
  5. We made a facebook group specifically for housing arrangements. It worked quite well
  6. Nobody here is affiliated with the admissions office, so we can't really comment on how the new MCAT will be used
  7. How sad is it that I immediately knew which episode this was from? I've watched that show so many times haha
  8. I asked the person coordinating the interview weekend, and I will edit this post when she replies Edit: The online form for billeting is already set up actually. It's on the website that was put together for the interview weekend. You should receive an email soon that contains additional information, which will include the link to the website.
  9. Last year all three were on the same day (jan 31st). The year before Ottawa and Queen's were both on the 31st. The year before Ottawa was once again on the 31st, but the other two weren't
  10. I can't give tips for the Queen's MMI, but I can certainly give tips for the MMI in general. The best tip of all is to know yourself really well, and by association know your ABS really well. This applies to every interview style I've ever done
  11. Hey, good luck! I don't think I'll get to see you unfortunately I'm not sure how large the group will be, but my gut tells me that it's not too many people. I think it's just a few groups for the MMI or something. I don't know all the details, and I'm not sure what I'm allowed to say given the information that I actually do have. As for Vancouver/UBC: YES! We have people that are from Vancouver, people that went to UBC, and you better believe that we have people from Vancouver that also went to UBC Queen's doesn't give preference to applicants from any particular region, so we're from all over the place. Oh man, great question. Glad you asked! To those from the other schools, don't take offense or anything. You're welcome to post your own AMA. 1) Better sense of community. As an example, about 13 or 14 students from Queen's managed to get into the official photo for UofT at OMSW, but not a single person from any school managed to photobomb us. The perks of having a small class of only 100 people mean that you become incredibly tight. I know everybody, and have had meaningful connections with all of them. I could probably tell you the home towns and previous schools for most of my classmates at this point. 2) Kingston is a great town when you're a student. Everything is so close, but it's still civilized such that you've got everything that you need. The atmosphere here is really quite incredible. Also our school spirit, both medicine and non-medicine, is truly something to behold. If you're doing multiple degrees in Ontario, you should definitely do one in Kingston to get the experience. 3) Being in a smaller centre, the learner to doctor ratio is better. There's way too many residents in a place like Toronto, so I've been told. I'm not sure on the validity of that, regardless of the amount of people that I've heard it from, but I can assure you that it's not the case here. I can't comment on UBC though.
  12. I'm interested to see their opinions on this one, but I'll give you mine. I think that it's probably more tough in the sense that we're expected to know a lot more, and I think that you feel pressured when everybody in the class is so bright and seems to get it right away. That being said, I don't find it more stressful at all. We have an excellent support network here at Queen's, both in terms of the administration and our classmates. Also, we go out as a class quite frequently. I felt a bit stressed for my finals, but not too much honestly. It's all about mental wellness.
  13. We're super excited to answer your questions! With the MD/PhD interviews coming up, our class has started to get really pumped. We're finally approaching the interesting part of the cycle this year. I can't wait to meet you guys, and I'm looking forward to answering whatever's on your mind
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