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Feedback for my MMI response?

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Hello, I went over your response and first of all, I think you did a good job responding to this prompt. Given that the interview is virtual, how long is each station going to be? I believe your response is too short (which may not be the case once you do more practice). I think coming with good examples to be back up your claim would strengthen your responses. For example, you mentioned about the "definition of discriminatory content may be different based on who reviews the content," but from a listener's perspective, I would like to hear some examples. Meanwhile, in relation to "content moderation being conducted efficiently and equally," what do you mean by this specifically? Does it mean you want to limit the number of information that is considered "discriminatory" (which I think will still foster prejudice and hatred) or does it pertain to the ability to censor content before its being released into public? 

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Hi mikes94 and anyone else interviewing at Dal. I answered a super interesting question on my opinion of the Maritimes "Atlantic Bubble". The exact prompt was: During COVID-19, the Maritimes created an "Atlantic Bubble". What do you think about this decision by public health?

Would love to hear feedback on: my approach, opinions, tone/pitch/flow of speech. The site I used also gave me a transcript for anyone who can't listen to audio right now. I know it's short notice and we're all interviewing in a week but would be amazing if I can get any tips or things to improve! thanks

response: https://community.videoath.com/a62yxdx1yag7k1kzsyqtkuutuvsb5cok6fnjn4ru 

My transcribed response:


I think the creation of Atlantic bottles was an extremely prudent idea on the part of the American government's a the biggest challenge that covid-19 posed to the country and to the world was balancing public health and the economy now to impose a shutdown would devastate the maritime economy which in comparison to the rest of the country was already weak.
And to impose start to not impose some sort of measures would lead to you know, rampant widespread of covid-19, which would be a huge public concern therefore to me. The Atlantic bubble was a good compromise and I think the numbers back that up. I believe outside the territories and Canada the maritimes have the lowest amount of cases.
 And that per million additionally, I think that creating this bubble and allowing those in the maritime. We move freely really boost people's mental health and gives them their sanity back during these crazy times. So yes, I believe the Atlantic the creation of the Atlantic bubble was a good idea and it has been successful.


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On 11/14/2020 at 5:43 PM, mikes94 said:

The prompt I had was: 

Social media platforms have been restricting content that is deemed discriminatory and offensive. What do you think about these practices?



Everything that you said was good, however your response is pretty short. I agree with the comment above saying give examples to illustrate the points you were trying to make.

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