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should I still put a publication on my app if I'm not one of the first few authors? (applying after 3rd year UG)

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If you are an author then you put it down. 

I am bit surprised UBC won't let you put down papers if you aren't first or second author. These days it's very hard to publish something good quality, I've seen PhD students in basic sciences who only publish 1 article during their entire 4 years. I mean yeah if you want to pay 2000$ you can publish in No Name Journal of Junk Pseudoscience. Like what's UBC's expectation? 1st author for a PNAS paper is like 100x the work of 1st author for a case report.

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22 minutes ago, shikimate said:

Like what's UBC's expectation? 1st author for a PNAS paper is like 100x the work of 1st author for a case report.

I understand your sentiment, but PNAS is not a great example as it accepts member-contributed submissions which go through a much more favourable editorial process where the manuscript can be reviewed by their "pals" (professional colleagues).  I think it used to be that members could contribute papers directly without any peer-review (i.e. when looking to clear their "backlog").   

 If it goes through the full independent-review process, then yes it can be quite difficult to get published.  

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