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McGill Gatineau vs Université de Montreal

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I’m from Montreal and have to choose between McGill’s satellite campus in Gatineau and Université de Montreal in Mtl. My goal for residency would be to leave Quebec, and ideally match at UofT. Based off data from previous years, it seems like very few UdeM graduates match at UofT. Do you think it would be worth it for me to move to Gatineau for McGill? 

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Personally, I don't think looking at matching data from UdeM v. McGill is any indicator of what gives you a better chance for U of T because the reason any French university would have lower matching rate at an english institution is likely the language barrier (francophone students are less likely to try to match into anglophone institutions). For matching, your score on the standardized exam for med students, research and volunteer/work experiences matter, and so you should think where you would do better in these areas to ultimately match to U of T! 

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One issue that you'll have is French-speaking schools have traditionally been essentially more about grades vs EC/research at English-speaking schools for matching (P/F is very new in QC).  From that point of view, maybe Gatineau will have more of the Montreal/McGill atmosphere which means more chances for research/ECs.  But, it's hard to tell since it's so new - you could try reaching out to some students and see what it's like.   

On the other hand, going to UdeM would give you good chances to match to their program as an alternative.  

So you have to create your own opportunities and to hustle a bit at both places if you want to match to Toronto - it's more competitive.  Electives will be important.  

In the lack of clear differences, go with where you think you'll do best and be happiest.   

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6 hours ago, shikimate said:

Isn't there some requirement for IELTS for French programs? Is the McGill program in Gatineau in English? Intuitively I would think McGill is the better choice.

Gatineau is a French-speaking campus.  I don't know how closely the education is linked with McGill/Montreal - e.g. research, selective choices.. 

The IELTS academic is a requirement for graduates of French-speaking programs that wish to apply to post-graduate training west of Ontario.  No schools in Ontario look for language proficiency (beyond Ottawa self-declaration).   I imagine Gatineau will be added to that list soon.  Except for the writing section, it's generally relatively straightforward for bilingual francophones.    

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