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OT/PT Accepted / Waitlisted/ Rejected - 2022 Cycle

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hey guys, i got rejected for ubc's OT program and im not too hopeful about U of T and Western. Do you guys think I have a chance?

My sGPA is 3.68 and competitive is 3.72 I believe. I got 4th quartile on the Casper test and have experiences working with children with autism spectrum disorder. I also work as a behavioural interventionist and have experience volunteering in the hemodialysis unit with patients. Overall, I think my written application was decently well done, however, I'm unsure about my GPA making the cutoff. 

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1 hour ago, OT_applicant said:

hey guys, i got rejected for ubc's OT program and im not too hopeful about U of T and Western. Do you guys think I have a chance?

My sGPA is 3.68 and competitive is 3.72 I believe. I got 4th quartile on the Casper test and have experiences working with children with autism spectrum disorder. I also work as a behavioural interventionist and have experience volunteering in the hemodialysis unit with patients. Overall, I think my written application was decently well done, however, I'm unsure about my GPA making the cutoff. 

Did you apply to queens?  I think that’s where your best chance is at assuming you have an okay cgpa.  

western  ot last year I believe their website states average of those admitted was 3.72, and uoft state on their site that it’s very hard to get an offer with anything less than an A-.  So to be honest it doesn’t look great but hopefully your experiences make up for it at queens and maybe western.  Good luck and if you have other questions let us know.

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21 minutes ago, zerochance said:

Did you apply to queens?  I think that’s where your best chance is at assuming you have an okay cgpa.  

western  ot last year I believe their website states average of those admitted was 3.72, and uoft state on their site that it’s very hard to get an offer with anything less than an A-.  So to be honest it doesn’t look great but hopefully your experiences make up for it at queens and maybe western.  Good luck and if you have other questions let us know.

i applied to queens, but cGPA not great -- i guess i gotta apply again next year 

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Just now, OT_applicant said:

i applied to queens, but cGPA not great -- i guess i gotta apply again next year 

I’m in the same boat! sGPA not great, cGPA is worse. Mainly because my first 2 years of undergrad were bad, last two were REALLY good lol. I have amazing experience, CASPer, references etc. so fingers crossed but I will likely take 1/2 a fifth year to help my GPA

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16 hours ago, ubcotpls said:

Hey guys! I got waitlisted for UBC OT as well! In province too. I heard there’s usually some movement down the line so keeping my head up! Congrats to everyone who got accepted today!

what are your stats? also are you out of province or in province?? also where on waitlist? I'm also waitlisted and I'm trying to figure out why lmao 

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Pretty sure UBC PT acceptances will be out the 8th. Its kind of the only Friday they have left.

Interview invites were sent out on Fri, actual interviews were on Fri, OT acceptances were sent out Fri... so it would only make sense... And if not this Fri, a week later is Good Friday and they won't do that day. So I think it's going to be the 8th if this helps anyone get through the week lol. 

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On 4/2/2022 at 12:15 PM, OT_applicant said:

hey guys, i got rejected for ubc's OT program and im not too hopeful about U of T and Western. Do you guys think I have a chance?

My sGPA is 3.68 and competitive is 3.72 I believe. I got 4th quartile on the Casper test and have experiences working with children with autism spectrum disorder. I also work as a behavioural interventionist and have experience volunteering in the hemodialysis unit with patients. Overall, I think my written application was decently well done, however, I'm unsure about my GPA making the cutoff. 

whats your cGPA if you dont mind me asking?

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On 4/2/2022 at 2:40 PM, OTWrappingpaper said:

what are your stats? also are you out of province or in province?? also where on waitlist? I'm also waitlisted and I'm trying to figure out why lmao 

I’m in province! And 9th on waitlist so we shall see!

GPA: 83%
CASPer: 4th Quartile

I felt like I did fairly well on the interview but got flustered a bit!

And then I also have around 1500 hours working as a rehab assistant at an OT clinic!

Where about on the waitlist are you?


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22 hours ago, PT2022- said:

Pretty sure UBC PT acceptances will be out the 8th. Its kind of the only Friday they have left.

Interview invites were sent out on Fri, actual interviews were on Fri, OT acceptances were sent out Fri... so it would only make sense... And if not this Fri, a week later is Good Friday and they won't do that day. So I think it's going to be the 8th if this helps anyone get through the week lol. 

This seems likely. Although last year they came out on a Wednesday (April 14th)

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6 hours ago, Tyhealth said:

Hi everyone, 

Applications for many schools will be opening up in two months! I thought I'd get the ball rolling a little early! 

Applied + (PT or OT?): U of T and McMaster OT
Rejected: McMaster, didn't get an interview

GPA:c-gpa and s-gpa 

-3.79 and 3.82

-90% average

Perceived strength of essays/interviews/references

-good references and good essays 

-team canada for a sport, cross-country team in college, other sports at high-level

-RA with conference presentation, TA for stats with teaching lab, first author for 2 publications, intership in ABA, lots of OT mentorship and OT-related work experience


-Last year 2021 cycle, rejection from McMaster and waitlisted for UofT 

Hi! Can I ask what your sgpa was for your 2021 cycle?

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On 4/1/2022 at 2:23 PM, almostanOT said:

Hey! Sorry to hear you didn't get in, I hope next year goes better for you! I know it sucks but I think sticking to it shows persistence which is something I'm sure they look for!

I got into UBC MOT North Campus - If you didn't this year I recommend applying up North! I grew up in Vancouver but just wanted to get in wherever possible. It increases your chances of getting in and its a brand new program so there might be fewer applicants!

I also recommend talking to OT's before the interview, they really helped me feel confident can helped give me an inside perspective of what is happening in OT

Congratulations on your acceptance =) 

Do you mind sharing your stats? 

Thank you! 

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20 hours ago, ubcotpls said:

I’m in province! And 9th on waitlist so we shall see!

GPA: 83%
CASPer: 4th Quartile

I felt like I did fairly well on the interview but got flustered a bit!

And then I also have around 1500 hours working as a rehab assistant at an OT clinic!

Where about on the waitlist are you?


if u dont mind me asking, is this your first time applying because I have similar stats to you and didn't get waitlisted so perhaps it may be because this was my first time?

GPA - 85%

capser - 4th quartile

Experiences working as a behavioural interventionist, volunteering with CAN and volunteering with dialysis patients at the hospital

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21 hours ago, sodapop753 said:

Does anyone know how UofT's CAP is proctored? According to their FAQ, we don't need camera or microphone access to complete the test, but does UofT have access to our monitors, microphones, cameras, etc.? I just want to make sure I don't accidentally cuss in front of the camera and mess up LOL

The exam is not proctored so they don't have access to your microphone or camera. But, I do think they can find out if you switched tabs or left the page. So just be careful about that.

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On 4/4/2022 at 5:17 PM, ubcotpls said:

I’m in province! And 9th on waitlist so we shall see!

GPA: 83%
CASPer: 4th Quartile

I felt like I did fairly well on the interview but got flustered a bit!

And then I also have around 1500 hours working as a rehab assistant at an OT clinic!

Where about on the waitlist are you?


I'm OOP, GPA is 3.88 but I think 4.0 on the UBC scale since my university makes 85% a 3.7 lmao. But i'm not too sure how they calculate. I got 4th quartile on CASPer, i was really flustered on a few questions which is where I think I might have messed up. I'm 19th on the waitlist, but I read in the thread from last year that OOP get the last spots on the waitlist but first priority if an OOP accepted applicant rejects their place. But again, not super sure how everything works and a bit bummed about the whole thing lol I don't think I'll get in this round :(

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