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OT/PT Accepted / Waitlisted/ Rejected - 2022 Cycle

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1 hour ago, Pt20222022 said:

does anyone know what needs to maintained grade wise to meet the "conditional acceptance" requirements? Just curious. 

I could be wrong, but for UBC PT my guess is that you just need to keep your senior level courses (300 and 400 level - including the semester you're finishing) within the overall average B+ range. 

Then of course the conditional acceptance is just ensuring you pass your current courses, still are within that average range and actually graduate.

This is only my guess, so don't quote me on it! haha 

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52 minutes ago, PTfolife said:

How did y'all feel about the CAP?

i panicked a lot haha. writer's block. honestly, the first hour i was just staring at my screen because i was soo scared! but the questions were really fair, i honestly don't know how they'll choose to allocate or take away marks from certain answers. i think they just wanted to know about us as people. 

also did not expect to see 400 people writing it!

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5 hours ago, PTapplicant2000 said:

Curious to know if anyone knows when the Dal PT acceptances will be out? The website says end of april, but do people know when decisions were out in previous years? (I am OOP)

I got mine on April 30 at 9:00pm MST last year as an OOP, ended up getting waitlisted though so not sure if that made a difference 

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UofA website says the first round of acceptances for OT will be out mid-May, what do you think the chances are that we find out sooner? I know last year they heard April 30, but i’m not sure if the website said something different last year.

Also, I’m currently taking my stats and anatomy prerequisites, if I get into UofA with a conditional acceptance, what do you think the grades i’ll need to get are to keep the acceptance? Their website states that the lowest cut off is 3.4, do you think i’ll be ok with a B+ in each class? My exams for both are this week and although i’m sitting at an A+ right now, the exams are weighted heavily (50% for stats and 30% for anat) and i’m just getting worried.

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59 minutes ago, wrappingpaperOT said:

UofA website says the first round of acceptances for OT will be out mid-May, what do you think the chances are that we find out sooner? I know last year they heard April 30, but i’m not sure if the website said something different last year.

Also, I’m currently taking my stats and anatomy prerequisites, if I get into UofA with a conditional acceptance, what do you think the grades i’ll need to get are to keep the acceptance? Their website states that the lowest cut off is 3.4, do you think i’ll be ok with a B+ in each class? My exams for both are this week and although i’m sitting at an A+ right now, the exams are weighted heavily (50% for stats and 30% for anat) and i’m just getting worried.

Hi, where does it say this on the UofA site? Not sure if i missed that but i havent seen anything indicating when offers would be sent out!

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1 hour ago, wrappingpaperOT said:

UofA website says the first round of acceptances for OT will be out mid-May, what do you think the chances are that we find out sooner? I know last year they heard April 30, but i’m not sure if the website said something different last year.

Also, I’m currently taking my stats and anatomy prerequisites, if I get into UofA with a conditional acceptance, what do you think the grades i’ll need to get are to keep the acceptance? Their website states that the lowest cut off is 3.4, do you think i’ll be ok with a B+ in each class? My exams for both are this week and although i’m sitting at an A+ right now, the exams are weighted heavily (50% for stats and 30% for anat) and i’m just getting worried.


35 minutes ago, happy12345 said:

Hi, where does it say this on the UofA site? Not sure if i missed that but i havent seen anything indicating when offers would be sent out!

It has said mid-May for years, they haven't changed it. It's on the application review page on their website for OT. In 2020 they sent it out April 23rd or so I believe, last year they sent it out on the 29th. So it could be anywhere from this week to mid May I would assume. I don't think it'll get much more clear! 

Also for the conditional acceptance I would assume so long as it doesn't vary a ton from your current GPA you're good. B+ should be fine but considering where you're sitting I'm sure you'll do better. I found the final for anatomy very fair. I think I got an 89 on it! Good luck! :)

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6 hours ago, PTapplicant2000 said:

Thanks! Do you mind sharing your stats? I haven't really heard of what people's experiences have been applying there out of province!

I had ~3.8cGPA, around 140 hours of volunteer experience pre-pandemic in a school for kids with severe disabilities, my letters of reference all came from motor control/learning focused profs which is what i tailored my personal statement too as well as having lab experience in the area. I have no clue how i did on the casper last year but this year i scored 4th  quartile. I had a classmate also apply as OOP and she also got waitlisted and had similar stats to mine but neither of us moved off the waitlist :(

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1 hour ago, prospectiveabPT said:

I had ~3.8cGPA, around 140 hours of volunteer experience pre-pandemic in a school for kids with severe disabilities, my letters of reference all came from motor control/learning focused profs which is what i tailored my personal statement too as well as having lab experience in the area. I have no clue how i did on the casper last year but this year i scored 4th  quartile. I had a classmate also apply as OOP and she also got waitlisted and had similar stats to mine but neither of us moved off the waitlist :(

what number on the waitlist were you guys?

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