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Getting in after not feeling well about the interview

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Hello Everyone,

I was wondering if there is anyone in the UBC Med that didn't feel their interview went great but received admission when results came out, I don't think I did that great on my interview and I was wondering if there is someone whom they thought they wouldn't be getting in but they were surprised when decisions came out? Is there anyone feeling extremely anxious for May, it's becoming unbearable for me.


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People are rarely a good judge of their performance. Some are overconfident while others may be overly self critical. Take myself for example: I felt that my ubc med interview was the worst out of all my other interviews, yet ubc was the only school that accepted me in the end. A more recent example in CaRMS, again I felt that my ubc interview was the worst yet I still managed to match here. Unless you recorded yourself during the interview, there's really no way to objectively judge your performance. As long as you did not say anything that would red-flag you, then you should be fine. I know it's hard but try to relax as much as you can. No amount of worrying now will change the outcome when acceptance emails come out (easier said than done, i should've took this advice for CaRMS lol)

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2 hours ago, BoardManGetsPaid said:

People are rarely a good judge of their performance. Some are overconfident while others may be overly self critical. Take myself for example: I felt that my ubc med interview was the worst out of all my other interviews, yet ubc was the only school that accepted me in the end. A more recent example in CaRMS, again I felt that my ubc interview was the worst yet I still managed to match here. Unless you recorded yourself during the interview, there's really no way to objectively judge your performance. As long as you did not say anything that would red-flag you, then you should be fine. I know it's hard but try to relax as much as you can. No amount of worrying now will change the outcome when acceptance emails come out (easier said than done, i should've took this advice for CaRMS lol)

I know, I completely understand that i really can't change anything at this point and it's out of my control, but I find it really hard not to think about it, the reason is I think I have just sacrificed a lot for this ( like everyone else here) and has consumed me a lot for the past years.


31 minutes ago, Aspiring-Doctor said:

Assume it’s a R until UBC tells you otherwise. It really helped me focus on other things that are within my control. 


I have actually adopted that approach and been telling my close people that i am not getting in but people on the other side say negativity brings negative consequences as well and I need to be hopeful and positive. 

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I remember feeling like it didn't go well. Felt like I had tanked 3 or 4 stations, felt super awkward about the rest. Only felt good about 1 or 2 stations. I still gained admission. Like everyone has said above, your perception of your own performance is so skewed, it's really not reliable. I remember feeling crap for the first 2 weeks post-interview, and then fully adopted the "ignorance is bliss" attitude. Embrace the fact that you've done your part of the deal and now there's nothing more needed from you. Keep busy, do everything you've been meaning to get to on your to-do list! I did all sorts of chores and home reno projects during that 3 month wait :P

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