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Guest Hasan786

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Guest Hasan786


I am currently researching on what medical schools to apply to. So far, my overall GPA is sadly only 3.47.

1st year: 3.48 including summer, (took 4 creedits in regular year due to domestic and financial problems etc)

2nd year: 3.17 including summer had 5 credits in regular year

3rd year: 3.73 in cluding summer had 5 credis in regular year

4th year: N/A (fall 2004/winter 2005 - hoping for 3.9 or 4.0)

MCAT: I will write this August 2004.


So far, I have looked at McMaster since they don’t require the MCAT. Are there any other schools I could apply to with this kind of GPA? This is assuming I do well on the MCAT this August.


Or should I just wait until next year (2005) to apply since my GPA is so low that my chances of getting into any medical school are slim to none EVEN with a good MCAT score this August?


I am hoping my 4th year GPA is a 4.0. Any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated because right now I am so confused and distressed whether to apply or not this year to medical school. Thanks for your help.

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Guest Lorae

A strikingly identical post was recently answered by 16 people



I am currently researching on what medical schools to apply to. So far, my overall GPA is sadly only 3.52 and my two-best years is not that better off at about a 3.58

1st year: 3.40

2nd year: 3.75

3rd year: 3.40

4th year: N/A (fall 2004/winter 2005 - hoping for 3.9 or 4.0)

MCAT: I will write this August 2004.


So far, I have looked at McMaster since they don’t require the MCAT. Are there any other schools I could apply to with this kind of GPA? This is assuming I do well on the MCAT this August.


Or should I just wait until next year (2005) to apply since my GPA is so low that my chances of getting into any medical school are slim to none EVEN with a good MCAT score this August?


I am hoping my 4th year GPA is a 4.0, which will help boost my overall GPA to a 3.64 and my two-best years to (3.75 + 4.0 (hoping) = 3.88), which seems just a little more competitive for admission. Any suggestions and advice would be greatly appreciated because right now I am so confused whether to apply or not this year to medical school. Thanks for your help.


The post had many good points of advice:




None of us here are able to tell you what to do. If I were in your shoes I would apply every year to as many schools that I met the pre-requisites and minimum requirements. This can get expensive over the years though, so if you can't afford to keep applying year after year then I would't apply this year. You need to spend some time bettering your GPA... your 3rd year marks are good and if you can repeat that in your 4th year you will be more competitive.


Don't think of McMaster as being easier to get accepted because of the lack of the MCAT... McMaster is extrememly competitive and has the largest applicant pool.


In the end it's your decision whether you apply this year or not. You could apply this year and you could get in. The worst case scenario is that you get rejected... if money isn't a huge problem then I would apply every year to every school possible. You have lots of time... and while you're applying you can continue to better your GPA and EC's.


good luck

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Guest caper81

Wow, that was a strange post. I was reading it and was thinking, hey did I just wrote this? I was just a little confused at first but I now see that you are probably in the same situation as I am. But, you should have at least changed it a bit or reword things so other wouldn’t be too confused, including me. :D


Personally, I totally back Lorae on this statement, “Don't think of McMaster as being easier to get accepted because of the lack of the MCAT... McMaster is extrememly competitive and has the largest applicant pool.” I got to admit after finding stats, reading through other posts on this forum, and talking to some people, I to totally believe this now because it would seem McMaster post a low GPA (3.0) but you would need a higher one to be actually accepted. Plus, there are a lot of other things too that the admission committee looks at other than GPA. But my suggestion, like Lorae, is to apply anyway, and if you don’t get in, you can use that experience to better your application the next year!


Hey Lorae, congrad on getting into UofCalgary! I don’t know you but when I was reading the forum and found out you got into UofC, I was so happy for you! It’s so strange how you get excited/happy for people who got into med school! Hopefully one day I might get an acceptance letter to med school as well.

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Guest Lorae

Thanks caper.

It's true about this forum! Everyone is at some stage in the process and it is very exciting to get to know people, help them if you can, and watch them be successful.


good luck to you!

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