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UBC Interview Q

Guest BCgirl

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I was just browsing interviewfeedback.com and I came across something that I was hoping someone could explain to me. An applicant was asked if they were aware that there is already private health care in BC already. Can anyone elaborate on that for me?


Thanks :)

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi BCgirl,


Isn't BC one of the few provinces that allow private facilities to operate for MRIs? I know Alberta and Quebec are among the controversial few, but I thought that I'd read somewhere that BC was among them. If so, that may be one answer.




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Guest Ian Wong

If you want a fiberglass cast (as opposed to the crummy plaster casts), or want soft implantable intra-ocular lens for your cataract surgery (which minimizes your incision size into the eye) you have to pay for it.


If you are doing a Worker's Comp claim, they often can get private services to jump the waiting lists under the guise that the longer they wait for medical services, the more time and money they cost Worker's Comp by being off work.


Or, you could just jump straight into the most infamous BC private surgical clinic, the Cambie Street Clinic, which, because it is private, is able to be several billion times more efficient than the public system...





UBC, Med 3

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the info! I don't know much about the health care system (yet! I'm going to research stuff over the Christmas break), but can anyone explain how (or point me in the right direction for finding out how) private clinics like the Cambie Street Clinic do not violate the Canada Health Act?


Also, what do you guys think some pros and cons are for a 2 tiered health care system?


Thanks! :)

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi BCgirl,


The CHA and its five cornerstones are fairly open to provincial interpretation and subject of hot debate. Such interpretations have been expanded in some feds' minds to the point of a slap on the wrist via decreased CHST funds or points (as has been the case with Alberta (and its private eye clinics), and may be the case soon in Quebec (due to private MRI clinics) and Ontario (due to allegations of MRI queue-jumping)).


Many groups are pushing for Canadian health care reform, which some recommend includes a revamping or modernizing of the CHA. Per his letter released earlier this month, Allan Rock seems to be establishing some give with respect to his previous stance on the aforementioned wrist slapping and wishes to create a forum which is more open with respect to provincial health action. Here, the feds and provinces will have the opportunity to present their arguments (for contravening the CHA tenets, etc.) to an independent third party who will act as a non-binding arbitrator in the "discussion". This may inevitably lead to nationwide health care reform if key provinces decide to act in unison on certain issues such as two-tiered care.


For more info on Canadian health care policy, have a wander through the Health Canada sites and the hundreds of position papers that are out there on the subject. They breach topics including pros/cons for Medicare as is or a two-tiered system, and everything in between and exterior.




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Guest ThugJaan




Well, if you look at it objectively, then some form of privatization is neccessary in the near future. With an agin population and increasing health care costs, the government cannot afford to pay for everything for very long. The result is that some things will need to be privatized. The trick is going to be maintaining the integrity of the public sector.

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I was just curious if anyone could recomend a magazine that would have lots of relevent articles on the Canadian Health Care system? I find the politics of it to be very interesting, and I would like to become more versed as some of the other contributors to this forum obviously are.

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