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My interview was cancelled

Guest MDSMelissa

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Guest MDSMelissa

Hello to all,


I need some advice- When I applied to UBC, I knew that I was short a biochem credit, but I applied anyway, just incase. In December, I was notified that my application was missing this credit and that unless I had intentions of getting it, my application would be ineligible. I emailed back saying that I wasn't going to be taking biochem and that I understood that this disqualifies my application, but that I hoped that it would be kept on file if the opportunity for reconsideration may have arisen.


I was surprised, but very happy, to receive an invitation to an interview on February 6. After receiving my interview details, I booked my flight. As my interview at UBC (March 13th) is the day after my interview at Memorial (March 12th) as well as being the weekend of March break, booking a flight around the country which accommodated my interview times at both universities was VERY expensive.


Today I received an email stating that it has come to the attention of the admissions committee that I am missing this credit and "unfortunately this also negates the invitation to interview that was sent you to earlier this month."


I'm very upset:( . Aside from being disappointed that I no longer have an interview, I can not get a refund for my flight. I can get a credit with a 1 year expiry date complete with a cancellation fee of $53. Is there anything I can do at this point?



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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there Melissa,


I'm really sorry to hear about your news. :(


In terms of what could be done re: the academic side of the problem, have you pursued the opportunity to take the Biochemistry course in the spring? Would that be acceptable?


Secondly, regarding the flight, you could always use the credit towards your August/September trip out to the other school if that ends up being your first choice. Alternatively, how about a celebratory wee jaunt somewhere once you do get in this year? :)




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Guest Ian Wong

That blows man. I would contact them and, as Kirsteen suggested, see what avenues you can pursue regarding getting that credit completed this spring. I do think it's harsh that they gave you an interview and then rescinded it, but on the whole, it's probably better than allowing you to go through with the interview, and then being disqualified later on for not meeting the pre-requisite...


The pre-req requirements are firm as far as I know, but you definitely don't have to have them completed at the time that you interview (I was still taking Biochem 300 at the time that I interview, and still when I was accepted by UBC med). I expect that my acceptance was contingent on actually passing that ridiculous course. But yes, I'd give them a shout and then do some serious investigating as to whether and how it might be feasible to get that credit back (your credentials otherwise must be pretty darn strong, as you've made it to the interview stage). Don't give up!



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Guest Makunouchi



That's quite the problem they have given you.


Ditto on the don't give up. Echoing the two great responses, it would be a good idea to check if an option exists of completing the bioc300 course before September 2004.


If you really have your eyes set on UBC, I wouldn't count it out yet. Getting to the interview stage as an OOP applicant is great.


Hope it works out okay

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Guest CareBear15

Dear Melissa,


I am very sorry that not only have you lost money but the fact that UBC admin is so error-prone!

I think they have made one too many inexcusable errors. Talk about unprofessionalism!

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Guest physiology



Why don't you offer them a deal? Say you'll complete bioc prior to September 2004?


As a third year applicant, I applied in Oct 2003 without having fully completed my pre reqs. However, I was doing my 2nd course in bioc at the time and thus it was in progress.


Now, my pre-reqs are all complete, but why couldn't they treat the same way and allow you to do bioc in summer school?

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That really does suck.


I was sent an invitation in error as well. The email they sent me saying "whoops..." included this:


We hope this has not caused significant inconvenience or expense for you. If so, please contact us.


Since this is fully their error, and you told them you had no intention of completing that credit, I would call them and ask them for compensation for your flight. But that's just me...and I may be a little bitter...:P

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Having read the various posts about cancellations of interviews.... needless to say, my heart skipped quite a few beats this morning when i open my mail an saw a notice of UBC INTERVIEW... It turns out to be a reminder for the interviewing weekend activities....


Ouch... my poor heart.:x

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Guest MDSMelissa



Thanks everyone for the feedback. There is really no realistic way for me to complete biochem before the fall (My degree is already complete, I need another prereq to take the biochem, and they don't offer biochem during spring at my undergrad university).


If I don't get into med this year, I will definately take Biochem this fall, as it has been a barrier to most of the Western schools!


Glo- could you tell me who was it that sent you the email about expenses?





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Guest not rex morgan

Hmmm, I wonder if there's someway to weasel your way around that prereq. Sometimes they'll let you take the two courses at the same time and call it a coreq. If you are done your degree, you would potentially have time for the two courses. If you are still interested in trying to get this in before the deadline, why don't you try to get an appointment with an advisor in whatever department you are in. The advisors can sometimes be quite sympathetic.

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Hi MDSMelisa,


Have you considered taking Biochem at UBC? We offer it here during the summer (July to August), which may or may not meet your pre-reqs deadline. If you have Organic chem and Physical chem, you've already got the pre-reqs for this course.



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Guest thatuvicguy

Just in case it's a potential consideration for you: I am taking UBC's Biochem300 course this summer and the dates it is offered are actually July 12 - August 20. Not too bad...unless like me you're righting the MCAT on August 14th :rolleyes


Best of luck/sympathies for your unfortunate situation!



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Guest physiology

Hello MDSMelissa


Could this help?


"There may be other ways of adding 0.5 courses for this year. (I think that is what you are saying - that you are short a half course this term.)


Some schools have intensive courses run over reading week (next week at Ryerson). As well, Athabasca University will allow you to start and finish a course based on your timelines. When I e-mailed UWO about Athabasca courses, they told me that they would count them in the course load for the year provided the courses were completed prior to the end of April. (Athabasca transcripts simply list the start and finish date.) I used this method last April to quickly increase my course load (full year course in a month - while in quarantine twice for SARS)


Best wishes,



Taken from the UWO message board - topic subject was "Best Two Years"



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Hi Melissa


The email was from Joy Bennett jbennett@medd.med.ubc.ca

If I were you though, I would call the admissions office. When I called and told them my name, they put me straight through to the manager (who was actually quite nice, but I can't remember her name). Tell her you've booked the flight and cannot cancel it. See what they say. I don't think you should be having to pay anything for this, since it was their error.


Good luck!

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Guest kanayo101

I'm sorry to hear about your situation.


However, you should also realize that UBC explicitly states that all pre-requisite courses must be completed by April 30th, 2004. Futhermore, I know several people who could not apply this year because they are missing the exact same Biochem credit (apparently the 8am course at UBC doesn't seem to be very appealin!). I am surprised you even submitted an application and paid the fee knowing you did not meet the requirements...


While I sympathize with you, I am unsure whether UBC will make any exceptions for you especially considering they have a pool of ~500 other qualified applicants that could be given admission (and interview) in your place. But as they say, try and try again...


Good Luck.

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Guest MDSMelissa

I know that not all schools have requirements that are set in stone, so I thought I'd give it a shot anyway- I'd be going through "What if..."s in my mind if I didn't.


I did call Joy and she put me through to Angelina Lee. Overall it was a very frustrating conversation in which I was being asked to assume the blame for the mistake because I did not question my interview invitation when I received it in the beginning of February. Who am I to question why I received an invitation? I was very happy (and surprised) to get that email! Am I supposed to call and say "Are you sure you want to interview me?" We had discussed in the fall that I did not have the prerequisites, and I confirmed that I was not enrolled in any biochem classes at the time and understood that my application was incomplete. I still don't understand why if they wanted to question my prereq. status, they left it until 2 weeks after they sent me my interview details!

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Guest thesaug

Hi MDSMelissa,


I am sorry to hear about what happened with your interview offer. Actually, I faced the incomplete biochem situation back in September. I had filled the entire UBC application out, had all my transcripts sent, and was ready to pay the fee, when I came across the statement of the pre-reqs having to be completed by April 30th (I had always assumed that they would be allow me to do them in the summer). I called them, and explained that there is no room to take any more courses in my schedule during the year (I am already taking 6 per semester), and if they would allow me to do it over the summer, but they said no. So I decided not to send it my app.


I do wonder why they did end up sending the invite...but its a mistake on their part as well. I guess with all that paper work and the number of applications, sometimes they look over this kind of stuff. Well good luck with the rest of the application cycle! Take a trip some where nice as Kirsteen suggested.

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