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Competition at Queen's

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Just wondering what kind of competitive atmosphere may exist at Queen's... Since so many of the applicants are stellar in so many ways, does the competitive spirit still continue to be an issue once you've started? What does the faculty do to foster a more friendly spirt?


Thanks for your insights.

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Over the interview weekend, I was very pleasantly surprised at how, well, normal everyone in MEDS 2010 was. I always found the typical pre-med crowd to be an overwhelming, intimidating bunch of people. I was very happy to find that I wanted to be friends with—rather than avoid—nearly every first year med student I met. I guess this was outside of class, and maybe everyone calms down a few notches once they're in, but it was great to just hang out with a bunch of cool people who happened to be med students.


(And I'm ecstatic I get to be a part of it all in September.)

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I don't find there to be an overly competitive atmosphere here. As has been mentioned in other threads, this might be due to the fact that we only have testing at the end of each term. Also, although we have a H/P/F system, you have to get 80% to get honours, as opposed to being in something like the top 15% of the class. People tend get along well in terms of sharing study notes when exam time rolls around and studying together for clinical skills. I can't speak to whether that atmosphere changes in clerkship, but I haven't heard anything about super-competitiveness.

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i find the atmosphere here pretty much the furthest thing from competitive, which is one of the reasons i heart queens so much. it's kind of a "we're all in this together" feel. it's a very tight knit community, at least in the 2010 class, although i'm sure other years can't be all that much different.

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Yes, I'd wholeheartedly agree with the previous comments. I imagine there are some differences between classes, but if our year is any indication you'll find the atmosphere to be really non-competitive.


Of course some people work themselves into a panic before exams, but with a few exceptions, the only competition I've seen has been the positive kind. I think most people in our class realize that medicine isn't a zero-sum game (i.e. no one has to lose).

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i don't know why so many people say that... i went to UofT, and i never felt that people didn't help each other when asked... maybe i was just lucky in the people i ran into?


i also went to uoft. there were a handful of annoying unhelpful ppl, but nobody liked them anyway


for the most part, random classmates and i had a "We're in it together" type attitude and were generally very helpful/consoling at times :D

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Well...I can say that it didn't go to UofT.


i wasn't suggesting that you did, i just mentioned UofT because it tends to get that sort of reputation, when i think it's actually quite unwarranted. I can't imagine what jerks get out of being jerks other than a lack of help if they ever need it...

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i don't know why so many people say that... i went to UofT, and i never felt that people didn't help each other when asked... maybe i was just lucky in the people i ran into?


that's true dude, uoft is so large - these people do exist! sad but true.

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