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Number of unique interviewees?

Guest Mikey59

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Guest Mikey59

Does anyone know where I can find figures for the number of unique interviewees in Ontario each year? I was curious how competitive OMSAS schools are post-interview relative to American schools.



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Guest aneliz

I really doubt that this information exists...it would involve going through ALL of the Ontario med school's interview invite lists and looking for people with multiple interviews....a pretty time consuming task.


I know that OMSAS releases the stats on the number of unique 'applicants' (as opposed to total applications) but I don't think that you are going to find stats on the number of 'unique' interviewees....Interview decisions are made by the schools themselves and are communicated directly to the applicants without going through OMSAS...So, OMSAS doesn't have this info and the schools have no incentive to collaborate to produce it...hence, I strongly doubt that it exists.


As a general rule, once you get an interview at a school, your chances at that school are usually about 50/50.


Good luck!

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Guest thelaze

Aneliz, out of curiosity, do you know where the stats you mentioned are published? The OUAC website only has one set of not very useful stats relating to med applicants.

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Guest aneliz

They used to be on the OMSAS website...they aren't very extensive and used to be published in a chart PDF file. It gave you the number of applicants at each school, the number of seats at each school, the total # of applications and the total # of applicants in Ontario. The same chart gives you an overview of the various programs (language of instruction, length, major pre-reqs needed, etc)


Hope that helps!

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