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Great Volunteer Opportunity for UWO Premeds

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One of my friends and mentors on the Hippocratic Council (Western's med school student government) is the director of fundraising for the group. They are pursuing a very ambitious fundraising campaign this year and are offering premeds the opportunity to join in on this endeavour. The money raised throughout the year goes to fund med student initiatives... great events like Tachycardia (the wacky and fun med school comedy show), med students' projects, conferences, clubs, and more.


Joining the fundraising team will provide you with many opportunities to learn more about medical school, while also giving you great experiences to draw from in your applications and interviews. You will have some opportunity to interact with med students, learn more about them, while also making some great friends. There are also going to be numerous leadership and character building opportunities that will come in handy when you apply to medical school.


Last year, I worked with the director, Matt Ng, on Tachycardia fundraising. It was a great experience and allowed me to make many great friends while also allowing me to talk to many medical students about their experiences. I would highly recommend getting involved (trust me, it is lots of fun).


If you are interested in this opportunity, PM me with your email address (UWO email is preferred) and I can let you know more about it.

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