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Not that great U of T GPA

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I did a psych specialist at U of T in a 5 yr undergrad degree and my cGPA was only 3.51. My U of T GPA comes out to a 3.74, but I know that this is not good compared to the average of people that are admitted. Does anyone think that I may even have a chance of being called for interview?? Thanks guyz.

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I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the UT website says you need a 3.6 OMSAS gpa to be eligible




Minimum requirements:

at least 3 years of study towards a Canadian university bachelor's degree in any discipline

minimum GPA of 3.6 / 4.0 on the OMSAS scale

minimum MCAT scores of 9 in each section and N on the Writing Sample

applicants educated outside of Canada must complete the equivalent of a Canadian four-year university bachelor's degree (please see the section for International Applicants)


Sorry to break the news to you, what other schools did you apply to?

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The mcat score is used as a flag; doesn't count for you but can count against you and for UT's purposes a 9 9 9 N is the same as a 15 15 15 T


Although the link says, 3.6 OMSAS gpa, and that is more reliable than anyone's input here, I would e-mail them and ask. The UT GPA still uses the omsas conversion[/i]scale, so it is essentially an omsas gpa, it is just not a cumulative omsas gpa because it cuts out some low marks.

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I called U of T, and they said that the 3.6 cutoff may be achieved either with or without the weighting formula. So even if you have a cGPA lower than 3.6, but a wGPA higher than it, then its okay. But they did advise me that a competitive cGPA or wGPA is around 3.8. Anything lower is less competitive, and would be heavily influenced by the non-academic activities of the person. Hope that clears things up.

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