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Atlantic Bridge Program -Med school in Ireland

Guest snpqueen

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Guest snpqueen

Has anyone (or know anyone) that have gone to the Irish Med schools? I have heard differing opinions good and bad about the programs. What is the schooling like? And how hard is it to get back into Canada for residency? Thanks for all the help.

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Guest Milkman

I know someone who went to UCC and he loved it. However, if you are sure you want to come back to Canada there are a number of hoops that you must jump to achieve this and they are not particularly easy. In fact, the best way for you to find out is to go onto the Canadian Residency Matching Service and read for yourself. It describes everything you need to know including the fact that IMGs (international medical graduates) can only apply to the second round of matching for which there are relatively little spots. However, there are programs in certain provinces that allow actively recruit IMGs (but again the spots are very limited).

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