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weird questions?


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Did any of you get weird questions that seemed to try and put you in an awkward situation from any of the interviewers?

I was asked about my GPA and MCAT score, and the interviewer made a snide comment about there not being a lot of people with enough brains, and he made another comment about "everyone today wants to go into medicine." Overall, I felt like the interviewer was trying to intimidate me, and I wonder what was the deal with that.

The other interviewer was so much easier to "read" and understand, so I was totally thrown off.

Anybody else have any weird questions?

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Mine were two relaxed family doctors there for a good chat. I felt as if I had the oppertunity to demonstrate my worth. They were there to listen to me and who I am, not to try to intimidate me. The first one even started by saying that he didnt believe in intimidating interviews because you can make anyone break down under pressure and that it doesnt prove anything... However, I did meet some people with harsher interviews, so I guess its just the luck of the draw.

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It is definitely just luck of the draw...


and to the OP, don't worry just because your interviewer made those comments does not mean it went badly. Sometimes people come out of interviews feeling great because their interviewer was so nice and then get rejected... just be confident that you did your best and now it's out of your hands

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OK, but was anyone else asked specifically for their GPA and MCAT score!


I gave him the scores, because I have nothing to hide, but now I think I may have made a mistake, it may have been an integrity test or something. However, we were never told not to tell! I just am confused about what happened.

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OK, but was anyone else asked specifically for their GPA and MCAT score!


I gave him the scores, because I have nothing to hide, but now I think I may have made a mistake, it may have been an integrity test or something. However, we were never told not to tell! I just am confused about what happened.


Relax, he was not trying to test you.


They are allowed to ask you about it although technically that question annoys me because they are supposed to be assessing your personality regardless of your numbers. By knowing your scores, they may become biased when giving their evaluation.


Anyway, a few people on my day were asked this, and don't worry it has nothing to do with integrity.

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