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Applying to Irish Med Schools for Fall 2004

Guest GraduateStud

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Guest GraduateStud



I haven't seen many messages about people applying to the Irish medical schools for the Fall 2004 starting date, so I though I'd post a message and see if I can get a response.


I'm recently graduated with a MSc for UBC (Experimental Medicine). I have applied to 5 Canadian Medical Schools and haven't heard anything. Right now I'm working on my Atlantic Bridge program application as I was told that applications were still being accepted for Fall 2004. UBC doesn't use a 4.0 scale but my graduate average was 84% and my MCAT scores are 11V, 10B, 9P and writing:S. Just wondering if anyone is applying for this Fall and if they have any preferences among the schools: UCD, UCC, RCSI.



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Guest Unknown


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<threadtitle>Why Ireland?</threadtitle>






<title>Why Ireland?</title>

<pagetext>Gonzo 23 asked the following questions of those going to Ireland in the last thread - and wasn't answered. I'd like to know too. Is there something especially good about Ireland? What are your reasons for going over? (other than struggling here). What exactly is outweighing the liabilities of becoming an IMG?


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<threadtitle>UCAS and Glasgow University</threadtitle>






<title>UCAS and Glasgow University</title>

<pagetext>I am new to this site, but have a few questions mainly concerning Glasgow University along with the UCAS application service as a whole:


(1) How is Glasgow in terms of the quality and experience compared to other BMChB degrees in the UK?


(2) I have an interview scheduled for Glasgow, but am wondering about the other schools to which I applied -- should I expect to get an interview this late in the game? Is there someone I can contact at UCAS concerning other interviews, or do I have to contact each school individually?


Any and all information that anyone could provide would be helpful!!


A "confused and nervous"


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