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Liste d'attente DMD

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Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list, Move the list...

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Les trucs pour l'initiation sont arriv?s!!!....le costume est ambitieux, but we'll work something out, lol. it's pretty hilarious though. La personne qui l'a dessin? est pas mal bon. J'adooooore comment ils disent dans leur lettre "pour minimiser votre d?placement, nous avons d?cid? d'organiser l'initiation le m?me jour que votre examen"


Volcano vaporizer

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Les trucs pour l'initiation sont arrivés!!!....le costume est ambitieux, but we'll work something out, lol. it's pretty hilarious though. La personne qui l'a dessiné est pas mal bon. J'adooooore comment ils disent dans leur lettre "pour minimiser votre déplacement, nous avons décidé d'organiser l'initiation le même jour que votre examen"


Hey! Yeey et j'ai comme encore rien recu (( Je crois que j'habite trop loins du monde civilise :D

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Peut-être que la liste a bougé et que ça n'a pas été inscrit car je suis 63ème en médecine et je suis accepté depuis lundi. La liste dit toujours 59 par contre.
Ah wow esti que je t'aime jespere bien que ca va bouger quelques place en dentaire!!! En passant t universitaire ou collegien?
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