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Interview Day

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What does the interview day consist of? I've been on US interviews, but I'm not sure if Ontario schools have similar formats. Are there tours, info sessions, lunch, and interviews like in US schools?


The interviews themselves, are they mostly conversational like in US schools? I did a quick search on this forum and found many people emphasizing bioethics. Is this supposed to be a big deal at interviews?

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The interview styles differ from school to school. It seems that schools either have MMIs or panel interviews. There seems to be a shift towards MMIs, esp. in the West.


As far as interview day...I found them all pretty similar - intro about the interview day, info about the school (possibly with Q&A), lunch, actual interviews, possibly tours, usually some sort of social thing with current students in the evening.

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The interview styles differ from school to school. It seems that schools either have MMIs or panel interviews. There seems to be a shift towards MMIs, esp. in the West.


As far as interview day...I found them all pretty similar - intro about the interview day, info about the school (possibly with Q&A), lunch, actual interviews, possibly tours, usually some sort of social thing with current students in the evening.


crap. my makeup will melt if it goes into the evening. it lasts 8 hrs max. (i hate putting on makeup. doing it once a day is already too much). and i think i'm going to forego heels.

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are you serious?


thanks for laughing at my concerns.


i'm generally quite sloppy when it comes to appearance. i'm usually in jeans and a pair of dirty converse. i rock the House look really well, minus the cane, of course.


i wish i could wear my converse to interviews.

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thanks for laughing at my concerns.


i'm generally quite sloppy when it comes to appearance. i'm usually in jeans and a pair of dirty converse. i rock the House look really well, minus the cane, of course.


i wish i could wear my converse to interviews.


Yeah, this entire conservative appearance thing is a bit of a pain. I am just not that formal of a guy. And since I work in IT that really isn't a problem. Heck I look like I am in a tuxedo compared to some of the people that work with me.


Which reminds me I will actually have to buy a suit if I get an interview. I don't think I even own a tie or dress shoes. Crap.

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Time to get some then! You'll need nice-ish clothes for clinical stuff anyhow, as showing up looking like House won't really cut it. Ties are pretty optional though.


As I recall, at Queen's and Mac the interview was followed by little presentations and lunch, along with optional tours. At Dal they took us up to the Anatomy Museum, though not to the lab of course (it was a very dreary day in February). The tour around Mac was pretty nice thanks to the April weather. At both Dal and Mac the MMI occurred in a hospital clinic, so there was a bit of a tour in that respect, while at Queen's the (conversational panel) interview occurred at the school itself.


As I recall, the only school not to have any post-interview social events (apart from lunch with your interview group) was Mac. I guess it wasn't within the scope of their self-directed learning. Rest assured that anyone interviewing at Dal in April will have the opportunity a lounge party (at least, I'd be stunned if we didn't have one).

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Time to get some then! You'll need nice-ish clothes for clinical stuff anyhow, as showing up looking like House won't really cut it. Ties are pretty optional though.


As I recall, at Queen's and Mac the interview was followed by little presentations and lunch, along with optional tours. At Dal they took us up to the Anatomy Museum, though not to the lab of course (it was a very dreary day in February). The tour around Mac was pretty nice thanks to the April weather. At both Dal and Mac the MMI occurred in a hospital clinic, so there was a bit of a tour in that respect, while at Queen's the (conversational panel) interview occurred at the school itself.


As I recall, the only school not to have any post-interview social events (apart from lunch with your interview group) was Mac. I guess it wasn't within the scope of their self-directed learning. Rest assured that anyone interviewing at Dal in April will have the opportunity a lounge party (at least, I'd be stunned if we didn't have one).


did you get a place to store your coat and bag? if so, when you went on the tour, were you allowed to grab your coat?

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Yeah, this entire conservative appearance thing is a bit of a pain. I am just not that formal of a guy. And since I work in IT that really isn't a problem. Heck I look like I am in a tuxedo compared to some of the people that work with me.


Which reminds me I will actually have to buy a suit if I get an interview. I don't think I even own a tie or dress shoes. Crap.


LOL nice.


i only got my outfit problem solved last week. make sure you don't leave the shopping till last minute. and make sure everything fits (jacket sleeves hit at hinge of wrist, pants should break once just above your shoes, shoulders shouldn't protrude over your natural shoulders); go to a tailor if something doesn't fit. do not wear black if you are a man (it's the color for tuxes). charcoal and navy are good. make sure your tie isn't super skinny or super fat (3 inches at the widest point). NO white socks. i have some friends in retail and they've been tremendously helpful.


ahhh dressing up is a pain.

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Speaking of interview outfits. For the girls: any comments on wearing heels? I'll probably buy a nice suit (NOT from the Hilary Clinton pantsuit collection:D ). With wide-leg pants, heels are usually the most stylish. Having said that, I'll probably be self-conscious if my walking makes loud "clack clack" sounds. Any girls with interview experience have any advice on the heels/flats dilemma? Maybe flats are a bit more appropriate, but damn they ugly with suits! :P

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i like trouser-fit pants. i'm probably going to steal my mom's square toe 2-inchers. the heels are thick. or i might wear my own shoes with 1.5 inch skinny heels. flats look okay with trousers too. it's easier to find shoes for more tapered pants.


how tall are you? if you are ultra short, i guess you could wear taller shoes and not feel self-conscious. i'm not short and when i wear 3-inchers, i get self-conscious. don't get skinny heels for wide leg pants. you don't want a huge contrast between the proportions of your pants and shoes. wedges are too casual, probably. sturdy heels are the best. platforms are too hooker-like.


disclaimer: i've never been to interviews. i've only talked to some friends who know how to dress up. take my advice at your own risk.


LOL you make me laugh. Wasn't planning on platforms because as you mention, the hooker look isn't too popular at these sorts of events (do people still own platforms)?!? haha

I'm 5'8 and don't mind being even taller with heels but wasn't sure if it might be a faux pas for interviews for whatever reason. If its not a big deal, that makes it easy since I have a wide variety of stylish shoes though I will need to shop for the clothes since I never need to dress-up in business attire. Now if only I could get an interview!


ETA: Sorry n00b that your thread has been hijacked.

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Would it be wrong to wear these?




These are honestly the only flats I own...


lol are those little ears sticking out? so i don't think you should wear them.

why don't you just spend about $50 on a pair of new, conservative ones? it's sale season right now.


1) http://www.aldoshoes.com/ca-eng/women/shoes/city-fashion/68011101-lelocle

2) http://www.aldoshoes.com/ca-eng/women/shoes/city-fashion/69391759-fanolano

3) http://www.aldoshoes.com/ca-eng/women/shoes/sport-fashion/69216547-earlie

4) http://www.aldoshoes.com/ca-eng/women/shoes/career-classics/69547848-elna


(i have just finished shopping a few days ago).

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Alright, I hope you guys are doing this for fun. I don't really think one has to be very stylish at the interview.


I can't comment for women but:


For guys, I don't think the color of your suit makes a difference in your med school acceptance chance anymore than bringing your lucky charm that day. Yes, it's best for the suit to be fitting and to match and for you to be lean and acne-free and sit up straight and have gel-cast hair and hard line features and huge pecs...


But in terms of impression, I think that looking clean and neat is good enough. I honestly doubt being judged beyond that.

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Alright, I hope you guys are doing this for fun. I don't really think one has to be very stylish at the interview.


I can't comment for women but:


For guys, I don't think the color of your suit makes a difference in your med school acceptance chance anymore than bringing your lucky charm that day. Yes, it's best for the suit to be fitting and to match and for you to be lean and acne-free and sit up straight and have gel-cast hair and hard line features and huge pecs...


But in terms of impression, I think that looking clean and neat is good enough. I honestly doubt being judged beyond that.


omgosh... i'm doomed! i have severe acne all over my face. and i'm balding, so i'm not sure how gel's going to work. and my belly is getting a bit hard to hide. oh and man boobs. i'll never get into med school in canada!


seriously, why do you have to be lean and have huge pecs? and i think it's funny how you are saying clothes don't matter but body shape and facial appearance do. in the short-term, clothes are a lot more alterable than physical form.

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omgosh... i'm doomed! i have severe acne all over my face. and i'm balding, so i'm not sure how gel's going to work. and my belly is getting a bit hard to hide. oh and man boobs. i'll never get into med school in canada!


seriously, why do you have to be lean and have huge pecs? and i think it's funny how you are saying clothes don't matter but body shape and facial appearance do. in the short-term, clothes are a lot more alterable than physical form.


You obviously missed the point of my post.

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lol sarcasm escapes some people.


I do believe how you are dressed does matter in terms of overall impression. You don't have to be a super fashionable, but you should at least be wearing matching clothes!


Gah, I better start bench pressing again. Need those hug pecs. haha

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lol sarcasm escapes some people.


I do believe how you are dressed does matter in terms of overall impression. You don't have to be a super fashionable, but you should at least be wearing matching clothes!


Gah, I better start bench pressing again. Need those hug pecs. haha


who mixes seriousness and sarcasm, all in the same sentence, anyways?

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Just don't bring a briefcase. Some people do and think it makes them look mature, but they simply look ridiculous.


hah briefcases would be pretty funny. I find being over-dressed just as embarrassing as being under-dressed and I'm afraid to go either way because its the kind of thing that might stress me out even more than I'm bound to be during interviews. :(

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Overdressed? Just don't show up in a tuxedo and you should be fine :)




hah briefcases would be pretty funny. I find being over-dressed just as embarrassing as being under-dressed and I'm afraid to go either way because its the kind of thing that might stress me out even more than I'm bound to be during interviews. :(
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Overdressed? Just don't show up in a tuxedo and you should be fine :)


Oh so I guess my ball gown is out. :(

After a few of those comments saying to just look "neat" etc, I thought it might be possible to overdress. I think it's pretty straightforward for you guys, but there are a million different "clean" outfits for girls that may or may not be appropriate. :P

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