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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Sorry to hear that leap... is he your ex boyfriend or something?


It WILL get better with time that I guarantee.


Thanks Karma. I felt a bit better ranting but I can't get his face out of my head. Maybe next time I can imagine he's Kermit the frog or something along those lines. :(

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Ok. I know Mith got rejected, but I honestly need to vent somewhere because otherwise I won't be able to concentrate on studying this bull crap that I have to learn for Thursday (it's not actual bull crap and I really enjoy it hence why I don't want to ruin it with stupid thoughts).


So here it goes. Indifference is one wonderful thing. A couple of weeks ago, I was everything but indifferent, acting like a high school girl, all bubbly and what not, until it hit me that my career is way more important right now than anything else in the world.


I'm brutally bugged by some things that are causing me not to be indifferent this week. Today, I couldn't find scissors for the life of me in any of the labs, so I had to borrow them from another lab. Anyway, I'm returning the scissors and talking with a friend (*****ing about the scissors not being put where they are supposed to be) and as I'm about to walk out of the lab, this person walks out of the other lab. Remember what I mentioned about indifference before - how I'm all indifferent?! Yeah. Tell that to my mom. Because it all went out the window. I barely muttered a "hey" and then barely managed to turn my body around in the other direction and keep walking. Except the person said "Hey" back and followed it by my name. Now, this all wouldn't be a problem if a) the look this person gave me was as indifferent as my "trying to be indifferent" look; B) this person didn't mention my name every time they said hello (mind you, this does not occur with other individuals but only me). So I walked into a lab and had to take a couple of seconds to regroup. :(


I hope it gets better over time. I really do. Because right now, it hurts like hell. :(


I am not following. :confused: Who is this guy?? BTW, how was your date with (EDIT: the guy with) whom you were playing 'look' games?? Hope it went well!

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Made plans for this summer. Kyla has PPB but I have Operation Bengal Tiger.


Gonna live in the jungles of Alberta for a year, get IP status at UoA and UoC, get some rural status, look like mother****ing Grizzley Adams and send NOSM a picture of myself.


Staying away from this site till McGill invites come out on Friday at earliest. I need a break from this rollercoaster.


you got 2 interviews dude. why the sad panda face?

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you got 2 interviews dude. why the sad panda face?


mithril is what i like to call an achiever...


he thinks that two interviews is a sub par amount.


what he needs to remember is that he is a stud... ontario can suck an egg.


i'm willing to bet that by the end of this "rollercoaster" he's going to have anywhere from 3-5 interviews to attend and a few acceptances along the way...


on a completely unrelated note: i had an amazing meeting with a second year med student today! she really helped me clarify some things that I was... well, seeking clarification on and I had a really good chai tea latte from this random tea house.


also, i spent the last two hours on the phone with my cousin discussing my family history... i had no idea about some of the stuff my family was involved in and the kind of people they were associated with. for instance, there is an island named after us in saskatchewan! we settled a town, worked with HBC, were a part of the riel rebellion. my ggg grandfather was arrested with louis riel! my gggggg grandfather was one of the original settlers in "NewFrance"... it's so freaking cool!


i spent years not knowing anything, but now it's all coming together and i feel a lot more self aware- it's true... you don't know where yer goin' 'till you know where ya bin.

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mithril is what i like to call an achiever...


he thinks that two interviews is a sub par amount.


what he needs to remember is that he is a stud... ontario can suck an egg.


i'm willing to bet that by the end of this "rollercoaster" he's going to have anywhere from 3-5 interviews to attend and a few acceptances along the way...


on a completely unrelated note: i had an amazing meeting with a second year med student today! she really helped me clarify some things that I was... well, seeking clarification on and I had a really good chai tea latte from this random tea house.


also, i spent the last two hours on the phone with my cousin discussing my family history... i had no idea about some of the stuff my family was involved in and the kind of people they were associated with. for instance, there is an island named after us in saskatchewan! we settled a town, worked with HBC, were a part of the riel rebellion. my ggg grandfather was arrested with louis riel! my gggggg grandfather was one of the original settlers in "NewFrance"... it's so freaking cool!

i spent years not knowing anything, but now it's all coming together and i feel a lot more self aware- it's true... you don't know where yer goin' 'till you know where ya bin.


That's cool!

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I hope it gets better over time. I really do. Because right now, it hurts like hell. :(



Marking ochem II tonight... These guys are not ready for the midterm :(
lol. On one of my ochem midterms, I had no clue where the electrons were supposed to go so I just made up my own mechanism. The TA wrote "Really? What is this supposed to be? But I'll give you some points for creativity." and I got a 3/5 for that question.
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Are they ever?


Some classes are much better than others. But, now that I think about it, usually students do much better in the summer. Smaller class sizes, more interaction with the prof, etc. But your right, ochem 2 is generally a killer. I have to give way more "F"s than I'd like to.. a lot of the students in this class are repeats from last year :( Poor guys.

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lol. On one of my ochem midterms, I had no clue where the electrons were supposed to go so I just made up my own mechanism. The TA wrote "Really? What is this supposed to be? But I'll give you some points for creativity." and I got a 3/5 for that question.



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LOUSY day. :( Saw him yet again.... and this time I bolted in the other direction as fast as I could.


Is it only on the days when you don't want to see someone, that you see them?! pffft... :(



On the other hand, giving a small lecture in grad course to the rest of the grad students. So awesome.

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Some classes are much better than others. But, now that I think about it, usually students do much better in the summer. Smaller class sizes, more interaction with the prof, etc. But your right, ochem 2 is generally a killer. I have to give way more "F"s than I'd like to.. a lot of the students in this class are repeats from last year :( Poor guys.


Is it for lack of studying or just plain lack of understanding? I may have to take it in the summer.

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lol. On one of my ochem midterms, I had no clue where the electrons were supposed to go so I just made up my own mechanism. The TA wrote "Really? What is this supposed to be? But I'll give you some points for creativity." and I got a 3/5 for that question.


Hahahaha I have to admit, I'd probably do the same thing. And I don't know why, but I don't like stickers! Instead, when students do well I draw a big keroppi frog head with a hat saying "great job!" or "perfect!" haha takes up time but I'd like to think it makes them smile.


Is it for lack of studying or just plain lack of understanding? I may have to take it in the summer.


I would definitely suggest you take ochem in the summer. You have to work hard though. Summer classes are much shorter, so the exams are always just around the corner. But usually there is much more guidance from the prof. I think the class average is usually like 78% in the summer compared to around 65% during the regular semester for ochem II.


To answer your question, "Is it for lack of studying or just plain lack of understanding?" it's not just lack of studying... it's understanding as well. To put it plainly, ochem is super easy to get as long as you understand one thing - electronegativity. So many students don't understand it! They think they do, but they do not. I don't care what anyone says lol that is the key to success in ochem. I've taken and done very well in introductory ochem, retrosynthesis, and an independent research study in the synthesis of organic sulfur compounds... And I've seen the errors of hundreds of students. Understanding electronegativity (as well as practice, practice, practice!!) well get you very far.

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To answer your question, "Is it for lack of studying or just plain lack of understanding?" it's not just lack of studying... it's understanding as well. To put it plainly, ochem is super easy to get as long as you understand one thing - electronegativity. So many students don't understand it! They think they do, but they do not. I don't care what anyone says lol that is the key to success in ochem. I've taken and done very well in introductory ochem, retrosynthesis, and an independent research study in the synthesis of organic sulfur compounds... And I've seen the errors of hundreds of students. Understanding electronegativity (as well as practice, practice, practice!!) well get you very far.


When you speak of electronegativity do you mean the simple textbook definition of the "tendency of an atom to form an anion..." or do you mean a much deeper understanding (like based on quantum mechanics and such). I might seriously start reading up on this now, since I am retaking the MCAT this summer and ORGO was my weak point.

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To answer your question, "Is it for lack of studying or just plain lack of understanding?" it's not just lack of studying... it's understanding as well. To put it plainly, ochem is super easy to get as long as you understand one thing - electronegativity. So many students don't understand it! They think they do, but they do not. I don't care what anyone says lol that is the key to success in ochem. I've taken and done very well in introductory ochem, retrosynthesis, and an independent research study in the synthesis of organic sulfur compounds... And I've seen the errors of hundreds of students. Understanding electronegativity (as well as practice, practice, practice!!) well get you very far.
I totally agree with the electronegativity thing. On the first day of class, my ochem prof said something along the lines of "In this class, when all else fails, remember electronegativity, LiAlH4 and KMnO4"


Just to also add to your point, when I worked in the science centre at my school, I found that students simply did not put in the required work in order to do well. Ochem is generally difficult because it's quite different from the other stuff that you've learned in general/inorganic chem. However, those students who made sure they understood the mechanisms and sought clarification for concepts they didn't understand did fine on exams (and by "fine" I mean A- or above).

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When you speak of electronegativity do you mean the simple textbook definition of the "tendency of an atom to form an anion..." or do you mean a much deeper understanding (like based on quantum mechanics and such). I might seriously start reading up on this now, since I am retaking the MCAT this summer and ORGO was my weak point.


It is a very big weak point of students. Understanding that concept will really help you understand, not just memorize, why reactions occur the way they do, and why and which bonds form and break. Oh, and arrow pushing is something you need to be very comfortable with. Why does a grignard reagent attack a carbonyl? Why does the carbonyl carbon want electrons? If you understand the concepts, which species is the most negative? Which species is like to attack? What makes a carbonyl carbon want to accept electrons? Truly understanding these things makes "memorizing" reaction mechanism much, much more easy. And by the time you know it, you are not "memorizing" at all.

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It is a very big weak point of students. Understanding that concept will really help you understand, not just memorize, why reactions occur the way they do, and why and which bonds form and break. Oh, and arrow pushing is something you need to be very comfortable with. Why does a grignard reagent attack a carbonyl? Why does the carbonyl carbon want electrons? If you understand the concepts, which species is the most negative? Which species is like to attack? What makes a carbonyl carbon want to accept electrons? Truly understanding these things makes "memorizing" reaction mechanism much, much more easy. And by the time you know it, you are not "memorizing" at all.


Now I am getting excited about O-chem. The conceptual stuff was my favourite part of general chem. Anyways, what you are saying is that students never develop a holistic understanding of organic chemistry, but rather try to memorize every single equation (Wolff-Kishner made my head hurt).

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There's a storm comming, and I have to drive across town tomorrow morning for a 9am meeting. The traffic is going to be a nightmare. *sigh*


I heard a rumor that they're calling in the army to cleanup downtown TO? Seems extreme.


I'm eagerly anticipating my first major snowstorm eva

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I heard a rumor that they're calling in the army to cleanup downtown TO? Seems extreme.


I'm eagerly anticipating my first major snowstorm eva

The Army? Really? lol


The last storm I can remember that brought the Forces in to help clean up Ottawa was the Great Ice Storm. But that was way back in 1998.

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I heard a rumor that they're calling in the army to cleanup downtown TO? Seems extreme.


I'm eagerly anticipating my first major snowstorm eva


Me too! I missed the Ice storm because I moved here in July 98....snowstorms didn't exist in the UAE (obv), seeing snow for the first time in years was really weird my first winter here.

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Now I am getting excited about O-chem. The conceptual stuff was my favourite part of general chem. Anyways, what you are saying is that students never develop a holistic understanding of organic chemistry, but rather try to memorize every single equation (Wolff-Kishner made my head hurt).


Yup :) Best of luck with organic chem. Get those concepts down and you'll be way above the rest.

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