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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Damn... Yesterday was probably the toughest day of my life and I'm still recovering from it. :o I should just focus on positive thinking right now and hope it all went well, instead of focusing on how exhausted I am right now and how much I want to just sleep... Ugh.

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Woke up to a few inches of SNOW this morning and it is still coming down hard. At school now but almost got into a couple accidents on the way (I live on a mountain and have a 2-wheel drive car). ABS breaks got their workout of the century today.


where are you located? Thought we were finally done with all of that :)

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I really like the ones with vicks. So minty and wonderful.


I should try that! The ones I have contain shea butter lotion. Unfortunately, I wiped my nose with paper towel yesterday due to promixity... instant red firetruck nose. Never again.


Thanks Cerena ,you too!! Last sprint, we can do it! :)




Microbiology midterm tomorrow- I'm feeling good about it but there's a lot of material. :(


Good luck!


I've got my microbio final tomorrow too. Damn these pili and flagella


Good luck, Leon! Hope you rock it. Microbi was one of my favourite courses <3 I think I'm weird because I like all the courses everyone else hates which are packed with tons of info (ochem, microbi, anatomy, etc.)


Meeting an astronaut to procrastinate studying for my Biochem final tomorrow? Yes, pl0x!


Amazing!! Oh, I wish I could be an astronaut... if only for a day. Or, at least live up to my sailor scout name :)

Please post about your experience with the astronaut! Hope you have fun!

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where are you located? Thought we were finally done with all of that :)


I don't know where jake is, but here in Edmonton, it's snowing like crazy. We're supposed to get between 15 and 30cm by the weekend! And because it's so warm, when the snow was hitting the road it was melting on contact, so it's super slushy and walking is a nightmare (my socks are soaked and my pants are soaked half way up my calves too!)


And no, we're not done with the white crap over here yet. There'll be at least one or two snowfalls in May. Happens every year:rolleyes:


Oh Alberta weather, how I enjoy your craziness... Not:rolleyes:

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It'll be over as soon as you know it. Try to enjoy it, mac.


For anyone with a runny nose, I strongly recommend Puffs facial tissue with lotion. Scrap that kleenex junk. Puffs are soooo soothing. A++++

Puffs with lotion are gross tissues. I'd give them a D-. But to each their own. lol (feel better ♥)



it was interesting to read and distracted me from my finals lol
It was trolling.





I'm almost done my manuscript. Yeah!!

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Puffs with lotion are gross tissues. I'd give them a D-. But to each their own. lol (feel better ♥)


Agreed lol. And aw, thanks. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be okay. I've been resting and I think it's helping :)

Good luck with the manuscript!

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