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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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I was more direct after I got her number and texted her. Asked if I could take her out on Wednesday (last night), which she couldn't do because she was working at a lab and was watching the game with her friends afterwards, and Saturday for game 2, which she couldn't do because she was volunteering. I'm going to assume those are valid reasons instead of excuses to avoid me, so at that point I left it open-ended and gave her the option of deciding when she was free and able to come out with me.


I hate playing games and I've tried the direct approach several times as well - it's NEVER worked. However, anytime I've actually "played the game" (note - NOT game playing) it's worked really well. Girls will say they hate games and love the directness, but they don't. Psychologically it's a lie (at least in my opinion). What they really mean is "I wish that guy I'm not sure if he likes me or not would just come tell me how much he loves me". I think in order to forge those romantic feelings there has to be that anxiety of "does he really like me?".


I know for myself, as much as I hate to admit it, the chase is actually pretty fun (when it turns out good). If a girl throws herself at me I'll start trying to think of reasons why she's not a good fit (after she leaves in the morning, of course).


It sounds like she's not super interested in hanging out with you. If she was, she'd be hanging out with you - regardless of what she had going on. You should watch "He's Just Not That Into You". Your only hope at this point is to try to play it cool and see if she approaches you in the future - then you've got another shot.


Then again, I'm not entirely sure you want to be taking female advice from a guy like me.

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I was more direct after I got her number and texted her. Asked if I could take her out on Wednesday (last night), which she couldn't do because she was working at a lab and was watching the game with her friends afterwards, and Saturday for game 2, which she couldn't do because she was volunteering. I'm going to assume those are valid reasons instead of excuses to avoid me, so at that point I left it open-ended and gave her the option of deciding when she was free and able to come out with me.


Don't give up!!!


Story time - One of my friends from university was chased by this guy for over a year. He had his eyes on her since he first met her in first year. She finally accepted him mid second year. They've been together since and are still going strong despite one going to Winnipeg and the other to Victoria.


This girl may just be playing hard to get.... or like my friend, just wasn't yet ready.

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She just texted me 15 min ago saying "That sounds good. I think we should meet up just to talk stuff over".


Well, ****. This is going to be bad.


or, she could be getting together to "talk"... "stuff"... "over".




it's probably bad.


edit: i hope it isn't bad...

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She just texted me 15 min ago saying "That sounds good. I think we should meet up just to talk stuff over".


Well, ****. This is going to be bad.


Be optimistic. You threw the ball in her court and she called. She knows you are interersted, perhaps that you are smitten. Do not be intense as there is so much inside you that you want to pour out. Just be gentle, interesting and find common ground. If she tells you she is not interested in dating or a relationship, say that's cool, let's chill together occasionally. This is sort of like a real life MMI where you don't exactly know what you are walking into but remember, you came through for med school :) so why not here. :P

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He he..


This morning I started wondering why so many students start stressing about med school right out of high school, trying to pick the perfect undergrad and all when schools (at least Canadian schools) don't care about what program you did before as long as you have possible required courses, and good grades. Just pick what you love whatever the field!!! This is the best way to get the grades you want, and you'll have more fun too. Who cares if it's not med-related? It's like the interviews... don't stop stressing about them years in advance!! This forum is great, but too much time here (depending on the timing) cannot be good for your sanity.


Sorry for the rant ;)


I have my first weights session in 3 months coming up, I *really* hope this time I start with more than basic shoulder isometrics! Then dropping by the school nurse to get my PPD reading and my vaccines are done with. Hoping to go for a long run today as it's sunny but much cooler out :)

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Its because they are young and lack a real world perspective and stress out about everything from school to parents to relationships and friends.


Perspective and life ecperience teaches us how to handle situations and most younger people just havent matured to a point to recognize and deal. At least thats my experience that i've found


He he..


This morning I started wondering why so many students start stressing about med school right out of high school, trying to pick the perfect undergrad and all when schools (at least Canadian schools) don't care about what program you did before as long as you have possible required courses, and good grades. Just pick what you love whatever the field!!! This is the best way to get the grades you want, and you'll have more fun too. Who cares if it's not med-related? It's like the interviews... don't stop stressing about them years in advance!! This forum is great, but too much time here (depending on the timing) cannot be good for your sanity.


Sorry for the rant ;)


I have my first weights session in 3 months coming up, I *really* hope this time I start with more than basic shoulder isometrics! Then dropping by the school nurse to get my PPD reading and my vaccines are done with. Hoping to go for a long run today as it's sunny but much cooler out :)

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Getting married today!!!!!! Baaahhh!!! Then honeymoon in costa rica!!! Then medical school!!! Exclamation mark solo: !!! !! !!!!!!! ! ! !! !! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!! ! !


Holy **** congrats!!!


Enjoy the summer to the max

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Congrats!! :)


Getting married today!!!!!! Baaahhh!!! Then honeymoon in costa rica!!! Then medical school!!! Exclamation mark solo: !!! !! !!!!!!! ! ! !! !! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!! ! !



Those who have life experience and are more mature than the typical premed student are at a tremendous advantage in that they have had the opportunity to get to know themselves well and through their life experiences, now know where to set their compass for the rest of their of their lives.


Those fresh out of high school, college, Cegep and in premed who see themselves becoming physicians are aware of the heavy competition, that excellent candidates often are turned down due to the number of applicants vs available seats. And so they become obsessive – understandably so – about how to play the game to become more competitive. Many are more concerned with obtaining a high GPA than receiving an education that they will enjoy! Sad but true. I entirely agree with psychoswim’s bold comment below.


I also agree with what aaronjw says and would underline that they are attempting to maximize their chances of being selected for med school interviews and acceptance. They are playing the game as they understand it to the best of their limited life experience. It is what it is.


This morning I started wondering why so many students start stressing about med school right out of high school, trying to pick the perfect undergrad and all when schools (at least Canadian schools) don't care about what program you did before as long as you have possible required courses, and good grades. Just pick what you love whatever the field!!! This is the best way to get the grades you want, and you'll have more fun too. Who cares if it's not med-related? It's like the interviews... don't stop stressing about them years in advance!! This forum is great, but too much time here (depending on the timing) cannot be good for your sanity.


Its because they are young and lack a real world perspective and stress out about everything from school to parents to relationships and friends.


Perspective and life ecperience teaches us how to handle situations and most younger people just havent matured to a point to recognize and deal. At least thats my experience that i've found

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Its because they are young and lack a real world perspective and stress out about everything from school to parents to relationships and friends.


Perspective and life ecperience teaches us how to handle situations and most younger people just havent matured to a point to recognize and deal. At least thats my experience that i've found


I'll also add that coming from high school, unless you have access to a forum like this (and a lot of people don't know about this place) you get a lot of your information about med school from your counselor in high school, which can sometimes lead to the assumption you need to have a chem degree and take only sciences because that's what makes a good physician.


on that note- i was asked by my high school to give a speech at the "scholars breakfast" this year. they asked if i could come in and talk to the students that received scholarships/bursaries about what i've done and all that junk. i don't think i can swing it... maybe next year :(


also, i'm thinking i might suggest to the school that it might be good to have an information session for kids going into post-secondary school... get the word out a bit in terms of those interested in medicine. make sure they understand "the game".

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Getting married today!!!!!! Baaahhh!!! Then honeymoon in costa rica!!! Then medical school!!! Exclamation mark solo: !!! !! !!!!!!! ! ! !! !! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!! ! !


Congrats!! Costa Rica is a wonderful place too :)



Fair enough about playing the game, I can understand. I guess I just never saw it as a game to play because it's just part of a process as opposed to being the be all end all goal. Of course there are choices to be made prior to applying, but I'd rather enjoy my life along the way. Obsessed is the word I was looking for - I think younger students should enjoy their lives and what is due to happen will happen. Life has a weird way of throwing twists and turns that sometime come out for the best :)

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Fair enough about playing the game, I can understand. I guess I just never saw it as a game to play because it's just part of a process as opposed to being the be all end all goal. Of course there are choices to be made prior to applying, but I'd rather enjoy my life along the way. Obsessed is the word I was looking for - I think younger students should enjoy their lives and what is due to happen will happen. Life has a weird way of throwing twists and turns that sometime come out for the best :)


For someone like myself I have to consider it a game because at 35 I don't really have another shot nor does someone going back to school at 29, 30.


The difference for people my age and a bit younger is that we have life experience on our side to have helped us determine what we feel is our destiny for our futures. Kids out of high school, what do they have? Very few have any experience to help them make up their mind about what they'd really like out of life other than a well paying job. So they have these grand dreams of going into medicine. engineering, law or even accounting. Typically not because there was any great and relevant experience on their part but rather because there's some societal factor helping guide their thought process.


Even volunteering is a bit of a joke. My friend sits on adcom's for Western and he rolls his eyes at most of the applicants volunteering experience because he knows a good portion of them didn't do it because it was something that connected with and that it mattered to them. They did it because it might look good on a med school application.


Now, are there younger people who make the correct call right off the bat? Absolutely but I wager most don't and that boils down to the fact they haven't experienced air outside of anything other than what the game dictates they do in order to give them a shot at getting in.


Bit of a screwed up system if you ask me :)

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Fair enough about playing the game, I can understand. I guess I just never saw it as a game to play because it's just part of a process as opposed to being the be all end all goal. Of course there are choices to be made prior to applying, but I'd rather enjoy my life along the way. Obsessed is the word I was looking for - I think younger students should enjoy their lives and what is due to happen will happen. Life has a weird way of throwing twists and turns that sometime come out for the best :)


Yep, if my life had gone "as planned" I would have never met my wonderful husband and my life would be so much the poorer for it. We are truly soul mates and complement each other in every way possible - each of us brings out the best in the other.


But if my original career had panned out and I had gone through school as I originally intended, it is unlikely I would have ever met him. So life does have a weird way of throwing things at you that end up changing your direction, but end up for the best in the end. It sounds so corny, but, for me at least, it has turned out to be true.

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Bit of a screwed up system if you ask me :)


Absolutely the system is flawed with the kids looking for an edge in this game. I mean you heard of pages from books in the library going missing presumably b/c some premed thought this would enhance his chances on an upcoming exam. Correct me if I am wrong, but don't most med school students come directly from undergrad.

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