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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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It's weird... I teared up a lot in the book, but only 1 scene in the movie. Some scenes they cut very short (or nonexistent) so it just wasn't as emotional for me. Now I feel like I want to read book 7 again!


Thats exactly how i felt, I wish they would have made it more emotional, I bawled in the book and oddly enough I love that I did.. wish I did in the movie.

I'm rereading the series as we speak :P haha

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Thats exactly how i felt, I wish they would have made it more emotional, I bawled in the book and oddly enough I love that I did.. wish I did in the movie.

I'm rereading the series as we speak :P haha


haha!! I always go back to the books after seeing the movie, puts everything back in order as it should :D

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I am done avoiding this forum under duress. I hope everyone is loving summer!




The rest of this post is all about me.


Need to start working for real on my UBC app- OMG it's due so soon! Good thing my transcripts are in.


My doggie- the number of days she has left will probably fit on one hand. I am surprisingly calm about it, but I don't know how it will be when it actually happens. Yesterday she had: pancakes and maple syrup and bacon for breakfast, venison sausage and roasted potatoes for lunch, and sushi for dinner. :D


Half my belongings are in whitehorse, I have a home, a lease, a home phone and a cell phone. I do not have a job but when I was there a few days ago I lost count at 10 job offers. I have enough saved that I don't have to work for a few months, so it's all good. The fitness facilities (including ski trails!) look AMAZING and it is very exciting to think that in a few months I may be able to ski directly from my house to the ski trails. Wow!


The only thing I didn't do on my trip to Whitehorse last week was visit the hospital for jobs/volunteering. I'm nervous... :)


I fly back on the 1st of August.

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Sooooooooooooooooooooo exciting! I want to hear more about operation Polar Bear. Perhaps blog about it?


I am done avoiding this forum under duress. I hope everyone is loving summer!




The rest of this post is all about me.


Need to start working for real on my UBC app- OMG it's due so soon! Good thing my transcripts are in.


Next up: learning how to say "No, I will not work for your company for free now that I am no longer an employee". Not as easy as it sounds.


My doggie- the number of days she has left will probably fit on one hand. I am surprisingly calm about it, but I don't know how it will be when it actually happens. Yesterday she had: pancakes and maple syrup and bacon for breakfast, venison sausage and roasted potatoes for lunch, and sushi for dinner. :D


Half my belongings are in whitehorse, I have a home, a lease, a home phone and a cell phone. I do not have a job but when I was there a few days ago I lost count at 10 job offers. I have enough saved that I don't have to work for a few months, so it's all good. The fitness facilities (including ski trails!) look AMAZING and it is very exciting to think that in a few months I may be able to ski directly from my house to the ski trails. Wow!


The only thing I didn't do on my trip to Whitehorse last week was visit the hospital for jobs/volunteering. I'm nervous... :)


I fly back on the 1st of August.

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That's true. I don't think two of them even counted...


And now I'm in med school. Weird how that turned out.


Anyway, I just came back home from watching Transformers. Had to take the nightbus home and sitting next to me was a pothead that kept asking me to come home with him. It was weird. I just humoured him the entire way. As for the movie itself, big explosions, hot ("hot") eyecandy girl that serves no role in the story, glaring plot holes, lazy exposition and terrible/cheesy dialogue, homophobic jokes, cool CGI. Yep, definitely a Michael Bay film. And I don't want to spoil anyone who hasn't seen it, but wow, the Autobots are just as ruthless as the Decepticons. The only difference basically being their mannerisms, colour scheme, and body type. I felt it was really hard to sympathize with the annoying Shia Lebeouf or the Autobots.

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You've got plenty of time. I did mine in 4 days...


yeah, but you only had like 4 entries ;)




I did an OMSAS app last year in about 2 hours, so yeah, I should be OK.


My neice (almost 3 yrs old) picked up my calculator the other day, and said "Hello? Hi." talking into it like a phone. I know that's not the cutest thing any kid in the world has ever done, but it's been a while since I had children in my life and I'm kind of looking forward to it.


I really need to post about the night when my sis/bro-in-law went grocery shopping and left me alone to babysit, after the girls were in bed. Let us just say for now that the aftermath involved cleaning eggs out of the washing machine.


I gave my 15.2-yr-old german shepherd a really really nice dinner last night. To start- gourmet olives, and half of an Aero chocolate bar. Next up, t-bone steak, baked potato with yogourt (just as good as sour cream) and bacon bits, and broccoli. Finally for dessert, Breyer's ice cream in 2 flavours, cookie dough and heavenly hash. I'll post a pic of her meal in a few hours.

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I met my ortho this morning.. First appointment of the day so in and out quickly! He was surprised and really happy I got into med. Though he was totally surprised I'd done 8 years in computer science. I let him guess which specialty I was aiming for currently and his answer was to say I was too old for ortho with a big grin lol ;)


I was right to test my shoulders in the water last week, knew he'd ask me. He seems pretty happy with my progress and we're not doing anything special now except keep increasing the load in the water which I still have can't do. I'll see him again around October when we're 2 months into the swim season. If my left shoulder is soil clunking as much we'll go the infiltration way again.


Ah and yeah.. Apparently my hospital is very casual... He was wearing a (too tight lol) white polo shirt and sandals with his pants.. Resident had jeans on.

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I just finished writing my cover letter and applying for a job as an autopsy assistant and liason, I better at least get an interview when they list being an EMT as the valid credentials, and ask for a strong grasp of physiology and anatomy and experience dealing with families of the deceased, lol. It would certainly be interesting work to say the least, and the pays not to shabby either lol :).

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That's true. I don't think two of them even counted...


And now I'm in med school. Weird how that turned out.


Anyway, I just came back home from watching Transformers. Had to take the nightbus home and sitting next to me was a pothead that kept asking me to come home with him. It was weird. I just humoured him the entire way. As for the movie itself, big explosions, hot ("hot") eyecandy girl that serves no role in the story, glaring plot holes, lazy exposition and terrible/cheesy dialogue, homophobic jokes, cool CGI. Yep, definitely a Michael Bay film. And I don't want to spoil anyone who hasn't seen it, but wow, the Autobots are just as ruthless as the Decepticons. The only difference basically being their mannerisms, colour scheme, and body type. I felt it was really hard to sympathize with the annoying Shia Lebeouf or the Autobots.


Yeah but despite that:


Optimus with a battle axe = pure awesomeness. But Prime is really ruthless these days...


Does it suck compared to the original comics/tv show? Yes, unfortunately it does. But the CG was fantastic (I pity the CG artists who spend hours watching these things turn, piece by piece by piece....yeah should MRI their visual cortex to see if everything is okay), I got to watch Patrick Dempsey get his ass kicked, and she has a hot body. Not as good as Megan Fox, but yeah not bad. I really go in expecting the very least from Michael Bay and Shia (his last transformers anyway) and I walk out a little happier.


Ignorance is bliss my friend. At least it was better than Green Lantern (lol hking is going to defrag me) and I expect good things from Captain America.

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I did an OMSAS app last year in about 2 hours, so yeah, I should be OK.


P.S.- I am leaving a boyfriend who I feel like a babysitter to, and going to live with a 2yr9mo old and a 9mo old (my nieces). And I feel soooooooo relaxed about it. They're so sweet.

A (almost 3 yrs old) picked up my calculator the other day, and said "Hello? Hi." talking into it like a phone. I know that's not the cutest thing any kid in the world has ever done, but it's been a while since I had children in my life and I'm kind of looking forward to it.


Jeez, Kyla! You've been busy, and it sounds like the transition to Whitehorse has been tough so far (with everything that's going on). I'm sure things will settle down though with time once you find a routine up there! Best of luck with everything.

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For what it's worth I completely agree with you.


Both green lantern and transformers had a budget close to 200 million. Both had some pretty heavy cg, both had crappy plots and girls who were pretty, but couldn't act there way out of a paper bag.


The biggest failure for green lantern was the absolutely horrid script and chemistry between Blake lively and Ryan Reynolds.


Having said that, I hope they make a sequel and get less writers involved and tighten it up a bit.


As for transformers. If it were anything else those movies would be box office bombs, but the crowds love robots and hot girls.


End rant.



Yeah but despite that:


Optimus with a battle axe = pure awesomeness. But Prime is really ruthless these days...


Does it suck compared to the original comics/tv show? Yes, unfortunately it does. But the CG was fantastic (I pity the CG artists who spend hours watching these things turn, piece by piece by piece....yeah should MRI their visual cortex to see if everything is okay), I got to watch Patrick Dempsey get his ass kicked, and she has a hot body. Not as good as Megan Fox, but yeah not bad. I really go in expecting the very least from Michael Bay and Shia (his last transformers anyway) and I walk out a little happier.


Ignorance is bliss my friend. At least it was better than Green Lantern (lol hking is going to defrag me) and I expect good things from Captain America.

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I am leaving a boyfriend who I feel like a babysitter to


I gave my 15.2-yr-old german shepherd a really really nice dinner last night. To start- gourmet olives, and half of an Aero chocolate bar. Next up, t-bone steak, baked potato with yogourt (just as good as sour cream) and bacon bits, and broccoli. Finally for dessert, Breyer's ice cream in 2 flavours, cookie dough and heavenly hash. I'll post a pic of her meal in a few hours.


For now, back to work! Wish me luck in saying all the things I need to say today. I need courage. It's very difficult for me to start these conversations with him because he is a difficult person for me to deal with in conflict.


hugs to your beautiful doggie!


transitions in life are always difficult to deal with but you are a strong lady :)

and will cope with all your struggles! Don't babysit him, don't argue, simply do what you must do in your own very best interests. He kinows how to protect his. You have courage for the route you have decided to follow!

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Don't know if you people watch national news/read a newspaper and heard about this http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/one-man-seriously-hurt-as-stage-collapses-at-ottawas-bluesfest/article2100248/ but it was so crazy last night.


It started off great. Lupe Fiasco killed it and bought all the caramel popcorn from a popcorn vendor, gave him a crazy tip, and then shared the popcorn with the crowd. Then Cheap Trick starts and people see the black clouds rolling in. The wind picks up, we get a mini 'tornado' and the stage collapses. People start screaming (in panic), there's a stampede to the gates as the thunderstorm starts, the street fills with police and ambulances. It was total mayhem. One serious injury, but it really could have been a lot worse.

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I did an OMSAS app last year in about 2 hours, so yeah, I should be OK.


P.S.- I am leaving a boyfriend who I feel like a babysitter to, and going to live with a 2yr9mo old and a 9mo old (my nieces). And I feel soooooooo relaxed about it. They're so sweet.

A (almost 3 yrs old) picked up my calculator the other day, and said "Hello? Hi." talking into it like a phone. I know that's not the cutest thing any kid in the world has ever done, but it's been a while since I had children in my life and I'm kind of looking forward to it.


I really need to post about the night when my sis/bro-in-law went grocery shopping and left me alone to babysit, after the girls were in bed. Let us just say for now that the aftermath involved cleaning eggs out of the washing machine.


I gave my 15.2-yr-old german shepherd a really really nice dinner last night. To start- gourmet olives, and half of an Aero chocolate bar. Next up, t-bone steak, baked potato with yogourt (just as good as sour cream) and bacon bits, and broccoli. Finally for dessert, Breyer's ice cream in 2 flavours, cookie dough and heavenly hash. I'll post a pic of her meal in a few hours.


For now, back to work! Wish me luck in saying all the things I need to say today. I need courage. It's very difficult for me to start these conversations with him because he is a difficult person for me to deal with in conflict.


Give'er Kyla! It was never going to be easy, but look at how much you have accomplished already. Amazing.


Having actual kids around versus man-kid will be much more fun :)

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Had my first car "accident." Well, its a relatively minor pair of marks on a friend's car's rear bumper but we're probably going to have to replace it. omg. I think I'll have to sell a kidney.


An excellent start to the week. I was also denied from enrolling in a course because I've apparently taken it already (which I haven't) and the entire registrar's office couldn't figure out how the computer was blocking me from enrolling. And, I've got insane extra curricular work this week, a poster to finish in 22 hours, MCAT to prep for, and an a week long academic conference starting on saturday.


The rest of this month is going to be fun....

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Don't know if you people watch national news/read a newspaper and heard about this http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/one-man-seriously-hurt-as-stage-collapses-at-ottawas-bluesfest/article2100248/ but it was so crazy last night.


It started off great. Lupe Fiasco killed it and bought all the caramel popcorn from a popcorn vendor...


OK, is it weird that even though I heard this story this morning, I thought you were referring to our very own PM101 LupeFiasco?

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Have you ever felt stupid ordering from starbucks regarding "solo" or "doppio" when you just wanted a coffee?




You don't need to be an anime fan to appreciate this :)




That is the funniest **** I have seen in a long time! It totally sums up my experience at Starbucks/Second cup when I order something for the first time..

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