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Kill the TV: Suggestions for Reading Material


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I feel like the time is at hand to sit by the beach (with a mixed drink or 7) and read a book.


I was thinking if anyone has recently read a book that they thought was kickass and maybe meaningful for pre-meds maybe not, it could be posted here. I'd say stuff related to health and medicine is preferred, but everything is fair game.


Anyways, I’m going to go ahead and recommend a book I just finished.


Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell




It talks about how people become successful and how our society values success.



Post Away!

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I'm really into Michael Chabon right now. I've read a few of his books, but so far I really like "The Yiddish Policemen's Union." He's an amazing wordsmith, and the novel has a pretty good plot. Now, his most famous book is "The Adventures of Kavalier and Clay," but I haven't read that yet.



I also enjoyed reading "The Quarterlife Crisis." Can't remember the authors, but it's two women. I think it's a great read for those of us about to graduate or recently graduated from uni.



EDIT: Abby Wilner and Alexandra Robbins.



I HIGHLY recommend "Overachievers" by Alexandra Robbins. It's about getting into uni in the US, based on real-life stories. I found some of the parts applied to me and my friends to the extent that I actually cried several times while reading that book.

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Good topic, I'm a huge bibliophile. Outliers was fantastic, I love all of Gladwell's stuff, same with alchemist.


Picked up Bloodletting...by Vincent Lam, am so looking forward to reading, has anyone here read it? I'm going to conquer Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace too...hopefully.





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Just read Outliers. Loved it.

About to start Blink. Hope to also read Tipping Point.

The following books should arrive this week from Chapters:



Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking





The Physics of Star Trek Oh come on. It'll probably be interesting. Stop laughing.





Ant Farm: And Other Desperate Situations


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Good topic, I'm a huge bibliophile. Outliers was fantastic, I love all of Gladwell's stuff, same with alchemist.


Picked up Bloodletting...by Vincent Lam, am so looking forward to reading, has anyone here read it? I'm going to conquer Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace too...hopefully.



i read it, i didn't really like it for some reason, i never got fully into the book.

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I know how teenagish it sounds, but the Twilight books rock. The movie is terrible, but the books are major page turners. I started reading Twilight a month ago while I was waiting for an answer from McGill. To keep my mind busy. I ended up reading all 4 books in 3 weeks. Really good.

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Picked up Bloodletting...by Vincent Lam, am so looking forward to reading, has anyone here read it?


I read this on a really long flight (The New York-Bangkok express, 17:15hrs direct! part of a 3 segment trip). Definitely an interesting read, but I'm not really sure why it was such a big deal.

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I recommend....for those of you who love foody essay

Jeffrey Steingarten's 'The man who ate everything' and 'It must've been something I ate'. Compilation from his essays for Vogue...or Vanity fair? a magazine of that sort.


And non-foody essay, but still cynical & hilarious, anything by David Sedaris, but especially 'Me talk pretty one day'


The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett for fantasy/SF reader (tonnes of jokes and references, very funny)


My all-time favorite, The 'Doomsday book' by Connie Willis (also SF, time travel... middle age, unknown disease ,etcetc).


And something light packed with lots of literary jokes, Thursday Next series by Jasper Fforde.

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Picked up Bloodletting...by Vincent Lam, am so looking forward to reading, has anyone here read it?


i read it recently - it's not bad, but i don't think it lived up to the hype. enjoy it for what it is, not what you've heard about it. also, i didn't realise until i wikied it (after i'd finished) that it was a collection of short stories and not a novel :rolleyes: which makes the book make a lot more sense. the stories are about all the same people! i couldn't tell!

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"The forgotten Holocaust of World War II."


Sadly, Iris Chang committed suicide in 2004. Some people believe that her research into this WWII atrocity contributed to her depression. There is a wing in the victims memorial hall in Nanjing dedicated to her.

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"The Rape of Nanking" is also a pretty ground-breaking book by Iris Chang - in fact, I think this is her first bestseller on the topic. But I don't know if I'd recommend it unless you were specifically interested in WWII or history of Japan/China. It's definitely very disturbing. I had nightmares referring to some of the stories/images for quite a while, and some of them are still burnt into my brain.

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Good topic, I'm a huge bibliophile. Outliers was fantastic, I love all of Gladwell's stuff, same with alchemist.


Picked up Bloodletting...by Vincent Lam, am so looking forward to reading, has anyone here read it? I'm going to conquer Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace too...hopefully.






I wouldn't waste my time, it was a huge disappointment.



Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers is interesting but not very original, most of the content is previous research by other people that he cites. Nonetheless, there is value in some of his observations.


I would recommend some Atul Gawande.

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