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Accepted/Rejected/Waitlisted??? (All applicants, All universities)

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Just though If this kind of thread be created for all universities instead of just specific universities. so one doesnt have to look to specific threads inorder to get info on overall med schools..


So like all threads except, it would be great if you can mention your undergrad institution and interview impression.




I'm a (Province) resident. I Had my (undergraduate or graduate Degree) from (University). My GPA was (XYZ) and my MCAT scores were:


Physical Sciences: (x)

Verbal: (y)

Biological Sciences: (z)

Written Sample: (z)


I was (accepted) by (universities)

I was (Waitlisted) by (universities)

I was (rejected) by (universities)


This is my (first/second/third/more than third) time applying to this school.


In my opinion, my Interview went (bad/ not too bad/ OK, good/ very good/ awesome)


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I find the individual threads much more useful and efficient. The value of the information is primarily useful in targeting your applications to specific schools where you profile best fits with what they are looking for.

I do not want to filter through 100 posts to find the 10 or 15 that might apply to the university I am looking at.

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I find the individual threads much more useful and efficient. The value of the information is primarily useful in targeting your applications to specific schools where you profile best fits with what they are looking for.

I do not want to filter through 100 posts to find the 10 or 15 that might apply to the university I am looking at.


In that case, I suggest that you do not look at this thread again. :rolleyes:

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Is this just for ON schools or all schools?




I was thinking it would be better to undergrads to see where it is most possible with what GPA and stuff like that


not just specific universities



I guess mdapplicants.com could work but i didnt know about that site untill you just mentioned it so thanks

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I think she was asking because you put the thread in the Ontario section ; ). It might be better off in the General Premed section, if someone has the capacity to move it...


I like mdapplicants because it's searchable. The problem is that it's not so widely used by Canadian applicants (though maybe we can change that!).

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I think she was asking because you put the thread in the Ontario section ; ). It might be better off in the General Premed section, if someone has the capacity to move it...


I like mdapplicants because it's searchable. The problem is that it's not so widely used by Canadian applicants (though maybe we can change that!).



actually its not used by many american applicants as well..

total profiles are 10350 and there are like 20000-30000 americans applying each year.. so yea perhaps we should broadcast this site on SDN or something

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Good point. At least on SDN people routinely link their screennames with their mdapps profiles. I wonder if that could somehow be done here (maybe not, I think mdapps is part of SDN)? In some ways, though, I like that we don't have it. American premeds are crazier than Canadian ones.


You could easily put the link in your sig....but with the scarce # of regular posters here and the apparent slew of med school deans browsing this forum, this would just about completely destroy any shreds of anonymity you might have left.

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