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Make A Six Word Story About Life


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but if u wrote a volumes amount

and we do a stochastic account

and find a normal distribution curve

guess, that's random, but not unpredictable

we all regress to normal distribution

to have a higher n value

think i'm adventurous, that's self deception

in the end, an extensive collection

projects illusion i'm antithetically expeditious

if you read my writing extensively

you'll find common motifs, rather repetitious

just like the chess grand masters

who see patterns to others concealed

it's just rote repetition, volumes ammunition

unrecognizable second standard deviations seem random

but over time, i'm still systemic

be empathetic, even algorithmic expression fails

at it's final objective, capricious adventurousness

but spotting metaphorical linguistic motor control

akin to automation of chord progressions

you have read a whole lot

and who cares, or has attention?



I prefer to choose words adventurously.
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my rhymes are sublime, cheery, fine

i'm trading poetry sore some good kinetics

the lyrics gotta mean something, ya


but the main concern is phonetics

low ratios, dissonance's has no flow

listen to the deftones, you'll know


but i'm aiming for something nonsensical

with maybe some semantics, but whimsical

an ideological shift when coupling riffs

musics about having fun, just chill

there's no need to be serious

have a tab, lets get delirious


because the sound im thinking of

will make you forget your problems

no need to be so serious


just sing along, dance, be free

and enjoy each others lovely company

this is a love song everybody

so grab someone, and sing along


la la la la la la

i think everyone here's on lsd




Roses are red, violet are blue

MyGPAsucks and my poetry does too :D

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i'm pretty sure these are lyrics

i'll do part a an b

a continuing story, metaphor of humanity


boys and girls, i hate logic

follow it round, see a tautology?


why is the world so mysterious

but on the other hand serious


i hate being so damn ambitious

because i love being a hedonist


so i'm calling for a reform

societies superficial puritan character lacks candour


if i'm nearing going on eminent

and i do my job perfectly

not a trace of mistake, serendipity?

i think not, my records written

on time, the measure of excellence


so why does the public care

if i do lsd, while beaching

or if im reaching for her

the younger one, in the bikini

she split the stuff with me


what do i have to be?

to have fun, in the sun

with a beautiful girl, on vacation

we know the answer: nicolas sarkozy

us politicians, we need some privacy

it's respect, decency, a common courtesy


and please don't look at me

as if some sort of philistine

i know behind your fake decency

we're all a little bit kinky

in one way or another, individually


we just have this moral projection

of socially constructed morality, be bad

expect a slap on your wrist

even though if we were anonymous

we'd find just how much, ubiquitously

are all a little freaky, tweaked


but if there were openness, transparency

would we embrace our lascivious desires

crazy ideas, desire for cheerful apathy

not the kind seen with melancholy

but something closer to inner release

without fear of judgment, boxed insanity


i've been to festivals like this

and you get a taste, unadulterated

of what is true, open, humanity


surprisingly, no fighting, just love, harmony

people with an aura of positivity

it's such a joy to see

the city, contrarily, is so angry


screw politics, I'm climbing a mountain

live simply, guess that's a hippy

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hippies of byegone era did abound

alas, now gone with the dinosaurs

or too old to be meaningful.

Today, materialis, survival to pay bills

and so to keep wolves away.

Financially, premeds live on the edge.

Who said life is fair, but

hey, life is to be lived,

we can cope, survie and thrive

and we relentless pursue our dreams.

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i'm not concerned with fiat currencies

corrupt central banking monopolies, we're par

print more money, inflation, no way

i'm not sitting on cash money

it has value, we communally agree

that's why paper is power

most people don't know any history

the origin of money lenders, venice

was where christians dodged the bible

and invented the bond, interest avoided

the jewish lenders were now excluded


few hundred years later, virtual paper

is my chosen medium of protest

i know tax law, we cheat

so monetary, manipulation, i've no beef

i've an extensive education in corruption

legally of course, follow the rules

avoid being screwed, taxman won't bother

you're practically in on it too


my only plea, oh God please

banish the morality police, paternalistic restriction

the asterisk we slap on "freedom"

maybe that's why i like mexico

the corruptions much honest, even transparent

here it's surreptitious, something that's esoteric

but put together the right sentences

and suddenly, illegal transforms into whatever

we only prosecute the uneducated, poor

you eggheads aren't worth the time

the prosecutors gotta meet the quota

to get that big fat bonus

so you're a waste of time

convicting you, payoffs not very high

since you'd waste a whole week

actually mounting a defense, still then

there's no guarantee of another conviction

you'll probably countersue, and cause friction

so we'll take these guys here

put 3 in a day, yay


come december 31st, the prosecutors ecstatic

that bonus cheque, it's registered mail

shortly delivered, for miscarriages of justice

that while malicious, is easy business


hippies of byegone era did abound

alas, now gone with the dinosaurs

or too old to be meaningful.

Today, materialis, survival to pay bills

and so to keep wolves away.

Financially, premeds live on the edge.

Who said life is fair, but

hey, life is to be lived,

we can cope, survie and thrive

and we relentless pursue our dreams.

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