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What's wrong with me!?

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I dunno, what does everyone mean by social life? It seems to me that most people refer to a social life as drinking their faces off at a bar and what not (at least that is what I have observed on the boards). Realistically, I don't think the average premed can afford to do that and manage to get decent grades, unless of course you are a genius. First of all, drinking kills brain cells, which can't be good given that you are at an institution of higher learning, presumably there to learn. Secondly, drinking soaks up a lot of time due to the inevitable hangover the following day. So you are wasting the night of and the following day. It is really hard to fit in time to study if you are wasting two days a week on drinking.


Of course, people have different definitions of 'social lives'. So if you have a less deleterious meaning of social life, there should be enough time to study and have fun.

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I dunno, what does everyone mean by social life? It seems to me that most people refer to a social life as drinking their faces off at a bar and what not (at least that is what I have observed on the boards). Realistically, I don't think the average premed can afford to do that and manage to get decent grades, unless of course you are a genius. First of all, drinking kills brain cells, which can't be good given that you are at an institution of higher learning, presumably there to learn. Secondly, drinking soaks up a lot of time due to the inevitable hangover the following day. So you are wasting the night of and the following day. It is really hard to fit in time to study if you are wasting two days a week on drinking.


Of course, people have different definitions of 'social lives'. So if you have a less deleterious meaning of social life, there should be enough time to study and have fun.


I have to agree here; the usual university bar scene isn't such a good idea unless you can function hungover and like to spend money on that kind of thing.


I can't, plus I am a cheap drunk. I stay away from that stuff (unless it's X-mas or summer fun!). Not to mention any free time I have during the school year involves working or volunteering :)

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I believe everything can be learn and it is much better that you also love what you are doing.Study hard and always give your best in everything you do and it will surely result in a good future.


What if you get hit by a bus mr. spam?

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my genuine advice: transfer into psychology, do two psych classes a semester, do two/three science classes, make sure one if a night class for the early final, and never take more than two labs... voila!


also, register for a class the semester before you take them, then transfer because you'll stay registered on the web component and sometimes they post the answer keys....


also, work hard, because you gotta suffer a bit....


wow, what a depressing response this has turned out to be!


Hahahah waaa? You're telling me to switch my major? lol


So far I got 3 sci courses per term, a long with other junkie courses I'm sorta forced to take because of time conflict or it's already full.


How much would getting the answer keys beforehand really help though? I mean, the profs aren't stupid-- they're not gonna give us similar tests...

I mean, I have to ask for 'special permission' if I initially overload my term to drop it after a few weeks anyways. I guess I gotta ask my mates:cool:


Btw, are those all the things YOU've done to get where you are right now?

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In my final couple years, I studied a lot. I wish I could go back in time and do my first years over again, but it's obviously in the past.


Usually, by 2 days before a final, I am so sick of studying for it I rest. I put at least 3 but usually 4-5 solid days into each course's final. I highly recommend a day of rest after the studying.. the 2nd day before the final works well. The very day before, you can study lightly (review most pertinent/tricky things, which you should, by now, have a pretty good stranglehold on).


So yeah, your decision involves picking one of the following courses of action:


-work about 10 times harder than you do now

-find a new career goal

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