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Activity Verifiers

Guest Jess

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Hi, I was just wondering, for U of T med do you need a reference for every activity that you put down on the application form? My concern is that a lot of the teachers that were supervising some of the activities I was involved in, in high school how now left the school. Has anyone else ran into this problem? What would you suggest I do?


Also, while I'm at it, I'm pretty disheartened because I'm getting the sense from some other threads that you need a 3.9+ average to get into U of T as a third year student. How true is this? I'm probably going to end up with a 3.86 omsas converted average, but I do have a solid extracurricular background (but by no means have I saved the free world from the wraths of destruction!). Are my chances zilch?

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Guest ThugJaan



I ran into that problem last year once I checked back and discovered that the teachers that knew of my activities were now gone. So, I talked to the principal, and she either gave me their new work numbers, or in some extreme cases told me to write her down and she would explain the situation to the medical schools. So, have a talk with the principal to see what they can do for you (hopefully you haven't had too many visits already!)


As for the GPA, out current class I believe had a 3.83 GPA on average. This includes all 4th/grad students who may not have needed as high GPAs to get in as the 3rd years due to their pubs, extra-currics, etc.


3.86 is a very competative GPA (Bill Gregg quoted me last year as saying a third year needs a 3.80 to remain competative for an interview). I know of at least 2 people that had your exact same GPA (both three year admits) that are in the class right now. Most third years are usually over 3.90, but a 3.86 shouldn't hurt you that much if you have the other stuff to back it up.

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You don't need 3.9+ as a third-year. Don't believe it and don't give up. U of T doesn't inherently give fourth years more points than third years, it just usually works out that way because fourth years have... well, they have four years to do things. Period. :)

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