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After meeting cutoffs

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One UOttawa med student told me it's 100% interview once you have been offered an interview.


It is and it isn't.


Post interview you're ranked by your interview score.....

However, anyone with the same interview score is then separated by their wGPA.


While I'm not sure anyone knows what the actual interview scoring increments are, the idea is that there aren't too many increments...


So say 2 people score a 4 on the interview, 2 people get a 3 and 2 people get a 2.


Then the ranking would go.


4 Interview, 4.0 GPA

4 Interview, 3.7 GPA

3 Interview, 4.0 GPA

3 Interview, 3.85 GPA

2 Interview, 3.87 GPA

2 Interview, 3.84 GPA


So interview determines the initial rank... wGPA breaks ties.

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It is and it isn't.


Post interview you're ranked by your interview score.....

However, anyone with the same interview score is then separated by their wGPA.


While I'm not sure anyone knows what the actual interview scoring increments are, the idea is that there aren't too many increments...


So say 2 people score a 4 on the interview, 2 people get a 3 and 2 people get a 2.


Then the ranking would go.


4 Interview, 4.0 GPA

4 Interview, 3.7 GPA

3 Interview, 4.0 GPA

3 Interview, 3.85 GPA

2 Interview, 3.87 GPA

2 Interview, 3.84 GPA


So interview determines the initial rank... wGPA breaks ties.


But if you can get a 4.0 on your interview, you're pretty much sure to get in though.

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But if you can get a 4.0 on your interview, you're pretty much sure to get in though.


Absolutely.... I was just trying to demonstrate the ranking criteria.


It's a sad day if a perfect interview score didn't get you into medical school at a school that ranks primarily based on interview scores lol.

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Absolutely.... I was just trying to demonstrate the ranking criteria.


It's a sad day if a perfect interview score didn't get you into medical school at a school that ranks primarily based on interview scores lol.


Is there a way to find out your interview score? I never came off the waitlist last year, and I was wondering what score I got.

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Is there a way to find out your interview score? I never came off the waitlist last year, and I was wondering what score I got.


But no need to lose sleep over it since you are in already somehwere else lol




Does this mean Ottawa does not have a specific number of spots based on geography/status? (i.e. does rank --> wgpa matter only, or is it geographic location --> rank --> wgpa?)

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But no need to lose sleep over it since you are in already somehwere else lol




Does this mean Ottawa does not have a specific number of spots based on geography/status? (i.e. does rank --> wgpa matter only, or is it geographic location --> rank --> wgpa?)


Ottawa only considers geographic status to determine if you get an interview. Afterwards, everyone at the interview stage is on the same level.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Absolutely.... I was just trying to demonstrate the ranking criteria.


It's a sad day if a perfect interview score didn't get you into medical school at a school that ranks primarily based on interview scores lol.


Last year, some candidates with a perfect interview score didn't get in because the admission committee decided to go with 50/50 GPA and interview. Dr. Hebert has mentionned that this might also be the case this year (depending on the quality of applicants this year).

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They should assign scores to reference letters as well as the ABS. Using GPA as 50% post-interview is almost giving false hope to people who barely meet the cut off since I am sure there are tons of 3.95+ ...Here's hoping they stick with 100% interview! (even though that is subjective as hell)

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Really on the 50/50??


In the AFMC document I posted in the OMSAS thread it said the mean gpa of successful applicants last year was 3.85.

It seems like they couldn't get this GPA if were doing a 50/50.


Ottawa doesn't ration spots beyond French/English/MMTP/Aboriginal, do they?


What I mean to say, they don't keep a certain number of spots for Ottawa, Rural, OOP etc. If not, they'd be inviting lots of "underserviced area" applicants that stand little to no shot at admission and filling there class with OOP's who need to meet a higher cutoff just to be invited.


If Dr. Hebert is actually saying this stuff then who am I to refute.... but it makes little to no sense to invite applicants to an interview that can in no way produce an acceptance. It's not just wasting the applicants time, it's wasting Ottawa's time and money too.

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Really on the 50/50??


In the AFMC document I posted in the OMSAS thread it said the mean gpa of successful applicants last year was 3.85.

It seems like they couldn't get this GPA if were doing a 50/50.


Ottawa doesn't ration spots beyond French/English/MMTP/Aboriginal, do they?


What I mean to say, they don't keep a certain number of spots for Ottawa, Rural, OOP etc. If not, they'd be inviting lots of "underserviced area" applicants that stand little to no shot at admission and filling there class with OOP's who need to meet a higher cutoff just to be invited.


If Dr. Hebert is actually saying this stuff then who am I to refute.... but it makes little to no sense to invite applicants to an interview that can in no way produce an acceptance. It's not just wasting the applicants time, it's wasting Ottawa's time and money too.


This is why all the GPA cut-offs are going up for all categories this year. (And why the grad review doesn't exist anymore). Unfortunatly, last year some people got interviewed that had no chance of getting in, even with a perfect score, because the changes were made so late (in the winter semester).


I have the same concerns. I am worried about this extra weight on GPA - but the adcom's response is that UofO has to do it since there is no MCAT. I just wish they would make it clear to everyone how they weigh things. I found out through some students sitting on the adcom that this was going on.

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how do you know that the gpa cutoffs are going up this yr?

any idea what they will be this year for ottawa, IP and OOP?


This is why all the GPA cut-offs are going up for all categories this year. (And why the grad review doesn't exist anymore). Unfortunatly, last year some people got interviewed that had no chance of getting in, even with a perfect score, because the changes were made so late (in the winter semester).


I have the same concerns. I am worried about this extra weight on GPA - but the adcom's response is that UofO has to do it since there is no MCAT. I just wish they would make it clear to everyone how they weigh things. I found out through some students sitting on the adcom that this was going on.


First-Generation Ford Taurus

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how do you know that the gpa cutoffs are going up this yr?

any idea what they will be this year for ottawa, IP and OOP?



I was told only about the French one going up. Both the French and the grad review cut-offs were the lowest ones. The English one is already high, so it's possible to get in with the minimum if you get a strong interview.


It was not confirmed that the 50/50 GPA/interview will be used this year. But I know for a fact that it was used last year.

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This is why all the GPA cut-offs are going up for all categories this year. (And why the grad review doesn't exist anymore). Unfortunatly, last year some people got interviewed that had no chance of getting in, even with a perfect score, because the changes were made so late (in the winter semester).


I have the same concerns. I am worried about this extra weight on GPA - but the adcom's response is that UofO has to do it since there is no MCAT. I just wish they would make it clear to everyone how they weigh things. I found out through some students sitting on the adcom that this was going on.


If this is the case, then the 3 strikes your out rule doesn't make sense either as it was stated that this is in effect due to the selection process being heavily weighted on the interview....


when it all comes down to it , i just think it's the same as "a country club"... for selecting.....


but nothing you can do... "le sigh"

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You love living dangerously don't you supafield :) Best of luck by the way!


haha do I ever!


I posted my story here a while ago...

last year I had a class that was rounded wrong. webct took marks to one decimal place and gave me an 89 (89.4)..... I checked it to two decimal places and should have had a 90 (89.6). So I wasn't just whining for grade bumping, it actually should have been a 90.


That changed my class GPA from a 3.9 to 4.0....


That changed my wGPA for Ottawa from a 3.843 to a 3.847 and most likely is the difference between ~ 1 in 2 odd at an interview based on my sketch vs. my application being tossed in the theoretical trash without being reviewed (probably recycled, but recycling bins aren't nearly as dramatic as a trash can).


Whether I get an interview or not who knows.... but my entire application and it's ability to get me in to medical school may come down to the difference of 0.2% in Communication and Interpersonal Relationships in my 6th year of undergrad. What a system lol.

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Received another email.


UOttawa received 3637 applications this year.


Just a little under 200 less than last year.


I'd imagine that they lost a few applicants who were counting on grad review.



Yes and also the ''double cohort effect'' is starting to die off at this point ...

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