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Just curious...which would you rather? A quick review and interview/rejection followed by months of waiting (like Dal) or a long review, then interview/rejection and a short wait time for the final decision (a la U of T)?


Prefer the Dal way. I don't care about waiting long after I know I've been looked at/have had a chance to interview. Waiting forever, however, just to know if I have a legitimate chance at a school (a la U of T) annoys me. Of course, the annoyance will evaporate if it's positive news :rolleyes:.

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Just curious...which would you rather? A quick review and interview/rejection followed by months of waiting (like Dal) or a long review, then interview/rejection and a short wait time for the final decision (a la U of T)?


I prefer Dal's way as well. It feels like something's been accomplished because the result is out of your hands by November. This may help you focus on the next term... That said, the waiting game becomes very tedious and speculative when it is drawn out this way. It's interesting that you have to apply more than a year before actual classes begin, but it's also nice to know the final result (excepting waitlist acceptances) by early March.

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Prefer the Dal way. I don't care about waiting long after I know I've been looked at/have had a chance to interview. Waiting forever, however, just to know if I have a legitimate chance at a school (a la U of T) annoys me. Of course, the annoyance will evaporate if it's positive news :rolleyes:.


Totally agree!

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... k, not going to lie... I'm finding it more difficult than other years to focus on the term work because of the waiting process, hence my visiting this forum. I didn't think it would affect me like it has... Maybe it has something to do with my OOP pre-interview rejection from MAC med. I need to focus more on my classes/lab work now. Anyone else?

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It's killing me. Every time I see a new message in this (or any) Dal thread, I check, half-expecting it to be someone saying decisions are out early.


What's worse is that, getting a decent waitlist spot would be a very good outcome for me, as an OOP, but that would involve lots more waiting, since the first decisions from other schools don't even come out until May. Urghhhhh

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It's killing me. Every time I see a new message in this (or any) Dal thread, I check, half-expecting it to be someone saying decisions are out early.


What's worse is that, getting a decent waitlist spot would be a very good outcome for me, as an OOP, but that would involve lots more waiting, since the first decisions from other schools don't even come out until May. Urghhhhh


WL would be more waiting yes. At the same time though, if you are in the top 15 on the WL (this is conservative estimate)...you can at least wait with a peaceful mind knowing that, based on prior admissions cycle, you should be at Dal come August.

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It's killing me. Every time I see a new message in this (or any) Dal thread, I check, half-expecting it to be someone saying decisions are out early.


What's worse is that, getting a decent waitlist spot would be a very good outcome for me, as an OOP, but that would involve lots more waiting, since the first decisions from other schools don't even come out until May. Urghhhhh



Same here, I booked my Queen's interview for after the Dal decisions come out which I'm not sure was too wise... but for me, I think the most likely outcome is that I will either get wait listed or flat out rejected (if I get accepted I will post a link of my happy dance on here hahaha) - there were so many capable and deserving applicants at the interview.

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Same here, I booked my Queen's interview for after the Dal decisions come out which I'm not sure was too wise... but for me, I think the most likely outcome is that I will either get wait listed or flat out rejected (if I get accepted I will post a link of my happy dance on here hahaha) - there were so many capable and deserving applicants at the interview.


I just keep thinking that, with the way Dal scores things pre-interview, we were all probably pretty close in score heading into the interview, and I know I botched a couple stations, so, I'd say WL would be a good outcome for me.

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WL would be more waiting yes. At the same time though, if you are in the top 15 on the WL (this is conservative estimate)...you can at least wait with a peaceful mind knowing that, based on prior admissions cycle, you should be at Dal come August.


Do you really think that this is true? The one thing I've learned about med school application cycles is that they are consistently inconsistent....so I am really hesitant about making these assumptions...

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Hey guys, don't stress too much about how you think you did on the MMI.... how many times have people posted that they thought they bombed the interview and then they end up getting an acceptance on the first day? Tons! I think we are all our own worst critics and are putting a lot of pressure on ourselves. I'm sure many people think they did worse than they actually did, so you are not alone.

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Do you really think that this is true? The one thing I've learned about med school application cycles is that they are consistently inconsistent....so I am really hesitant about making these assumptions...


I also noticed one year where it didn't move much, and last year, it went quickly in late August. So it wouldn't surprise me if the last 15 WL offers were all for one spot. Then it only takes one person saying yes to stop that whole process.


Anyways, this is all pointless speculation. Basically where I'm at is: waitlist would be nice and would give me more hope, but I think it's dangerous to assume anything.

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Do you really think that this is true? The one thing I've learned about med school application cycles is that they are consistently inconsistent....so I am really hesitant about making these assumptions...


To each their own I suppose but in answer to your question: I believe so. Typically Dal interviewees also interview at a number of other Canadian schools (I'm one exception but still waiting...maybe hopelessly...on U/T) and, of course, people tend to stay in their home province/city by and large.


It's moved considerably more than 15 in years past so I'd be surprised if it fails to do so this year. That said, getting accepted right away or by mid May would be sweet...always nice to start making plans to move etc. early on. That will be a luxury only a few of us OOPers will have though :rolleyes:.

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Same here, I booked my Queen's interview for after the Dal decisions come out which I'm not sure was too wise... but for me, I think the most likely outcome is that I will either get wait listed or flat out rejected (if I get accepted I will post a link of my happy dance on here hahaha) - there were so many capable and deserving applicants at the interview.


Funny.. I booked my Queen's interview on the 6th on purpose. I figured this would make the 7th seem to come faster! Also, if I don't get in to Dal I thought that might make me more nervous for the Queen's interview ("omg... omg.. last chance.. last chance... breathe!!!")


Either way... we'll know soon enough!

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Funny.. I booked my Queen's interview on the 6th on purpose. I figured this would make the 7th seem to come faster! Also, if I don't get in to Dal I thought that might make me more nervous for the Queen's interview ("omg... omg.. last chance.. last chance... breathe!!!")


Either way... we'll know soon enough!


Haha. You are NOT alone!!! :P


I feel the same way about my Mac interview on the 26th. If I don't get in on the 7th (or get a good waitlist position), I'm going to be incredibly nervous for Mac...


BTW I really enjoy this little family that has formed on "Waiting...". Let's keep conversation going in an attempt to maintain sanity over the next month ;)

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Yeah, if I get rejected on the 7th, there will definitely be some added pressure for my Ottawa interview on the 9th ! As others, here's hoping the wait list gets some serious movement, which I really think it will because almost all the OOPs have multiple interviews.

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Yeah, if I get rejected on the 7th, there will definitely be some added pressure for my Ottawa interview on the 9th ! As others, here's hoping the wait list gets some serious movement, which I really think it will because almost all the OOPs have multiple interviews.


I feel like after last year's ridiculous WL movement Dal really put an effort in to sell themselves this year. Being way ahead of schedule in terms of interviewing and making offers could make a difference in whether students come to perceive themselves as "Dal students" prior to getting offers in their own province.


Curious to see how this will impact WL movement.


Would most of you choose Dal over an IP school?

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Would most of you choose Dal over an IP school?


I guess it depends. I have yet to know the official status of my application at Toronto, however if I was granted an interview.


Toronto >>>>> Dalhousie >>>>> McMaster


Still waiting on Alberta too (not IP), but Alberta >>>>> everywhere else


Haha...its about time I worked through that in my head :P

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I feel like after last year's ridiculous WL movement Dal really put an effort in to sell themselves this year. Being way ahead of schedule in terms of interviewing and making offers could make a difference in whether students come to perceive themselves as "Dal students" prior to getting offers in their own province.


Curious to see how this will impact WL movement.


Would most of you choose Dal over an IP school?


I'm IP for Ontario, but my heart is at Dal.


And I've wondered this myself. I think the WL might move a lot less this year. Everyone seems thrilled with what Dal has shown them so far.


Anyways, I hope I'm wrong, because if the waitlist is moving, not only are my odds better at Dal, but it means other people are getting to go where they want to go!

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