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My dream wasn't so clear about that.


Only that someone on this forum had contacted Dal who said OOP decisions are going out today. Top 9 is a big dream though. Save that for another day :)


Haha yeah dreams are huge teasers typically.


You know what guys and gals? Every day we don't yet know the final decisions is another day that the top 9 dream (or being accepted off the WL) lives to see another day. That means another 25-30 more days of awesome ;).

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Haha yeah dreams are huge teasers typically.


You know what guys and gals? Every day we don't yet know the final decisions is another day that the top 9 dream (or being accepted off the WL) lives to see another day. That means another 25-30 more days of awesome ;).


If only I can be as optimistic as you. :D

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i feel like I'm driving my friends crazy too because it's all I talk about.

even though I've pretty much realized I'm not going to get in, and I know exactly where I need to up my game and how I'm going to do it.. there's still that outside chance, hence why I'm going crazy aha

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I had my first Dal related dream this morning... I was pushing snooze for the 4th time, dreading getting up for a meeting, and I had a dream (nightmare) that I was # 38 on the Dal waitlist. Sad.


I jumped out of bed and into the shower and tried to forget about it! I then proceeded to eat 3 croissants at the meeting in hopes that it might make me feel better :rolleyes:


It didn't.


Oh gawd... the 7th is sooo very far away.....

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It's funny how so many have dreams regarding this event.

I had mine last night/this morning.


~Due to the number of applicants the admissions committee decided to reduce the amount of time allotted to reply to acceptance notifications to just one hour. I slept in and missed my chance....~


It was also one of those dreams where you wake up and feel it actually occurred the day before.

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speaking of dreams, I had one the other day where everyone was really dressed up for a ceremony. It wasn't a ceremony I hoped for because it was for those who got rejected. Guess what, I was one of them! It wasn't really a nightmare because I didn't wake up, but I was just so very sad when I saw it on paper. Everyone else who was there also had a similar paper in their hands. Why on Earth would I celebrate my rejection and make it known to everyone? :eek:

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It's funny how so many have dreams regarding this event.

I had mine last night/this morning.


~Due to the number of applicants the admissions committee decided to reduce the amount of time allotted to reply to acceptance notifications to just one hour. I slept in and missed my chance....~


It was also one of those dreams where you wake up and feel it actually occurred the day before.



hilarious...I can totally see myself having a dream like this!

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Wish they would tell me now so I can possibly drop some prereqs I'm taking for Alberta.


I'm actually wishing they'd wait until May, haha. Then there's a better chance the waitlist will move.


I also wish the Dal MMI hadn't been my first one, since Dal is my top choice school, would've been nice to have one of my other interviews first, to get some real practice in.


Basically this accelerated timeline is nice in that it gets things over with, and I seem to just be good at finding ways to be cynical about my own chances.


Oh well, different strokes for different folks; if I'm in the top 9 come March 7th I'm sure I'll be singing a different tune.


I love how we're all set on this March 7th date. I believe the word tentative is still up there, and who knows how long we could be waiting.

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It may sound bad, but if on March 7th I get a happy letter, I wonder how that will affect my study habits for the rest of this semester? It would be a weird place of freedom knowing my future is secured and an A- isn't the end of the world :P


Try wrapping up an honours thesis once you already know you're in. I watched people do that last year...

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so have there been any OOPers who've heard from McGill and are planning to go there? Just wondering...


It's weird, there's no activity in the McGill "Accepted/Waitlisted/Rejected" thread. I thought OOP acceptances had gone out, and I'd have expected more activity there.

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