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tim hortons in hospitals


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Appropriate use of overflow space in a surge situation, but the media seems to have gotten their knickers in a twist about it. Long-term pretty much every ED in Canada is going to have to deal with increasing numbers and patient flow.

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I'm with charmer (although it's not the reasoning behind the Tim's), even with our rats...post surgery, we coat fruit-loops (their favourite snack) in Tylenol to promote eating and to get them to ingest the Tylenol. A stressed out and ill human is the same....you feed icecream to sick children, etc....to promote fluid and calorie intake. Who gives a damn if it's asparagus or not?

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meh, the cafeteria here serves chicken fingers, burgers, etc. so i don't see much of a difference, although they also serve great salads and fruits. i dont think anything tim horton's serves is healthy... except for their coffee


how come there aren't any second cups in hospitals?!?! i only see timmies and sbucks, i want my scup!!!

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meh, the cafeteria here serves chicken fingers, burgers, etc. so i don't see much of a difference, although they also serve great salads and fruits. i dont think anything tim horton's serves is healthy... except for their coffee


how come there aren't any second cups in hospitals?!?! i only see timmies and sbucks, i want my scup!!!


Be quiet and enjoy your Tim Hortons.

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Do you have any evidence that backs up this statement?


Considering most peope lose weight while at the hospital (and I'm not just talking overweight patients either) I can see his point.


And have you ever smelled (or tasted) hospital food? That shiz is gross. All the family members (and friends) I've known have left most of it while they've been in. Most survive on the Timmy's sandwiches and soups people bring them from downstairs. They left most of the food on the tray (I say most because they always ate the jello or pudding! haha!).


While my grandma was still alive I visited her at the hospice on weekends. Usually we were there around meals, and after seeing her barely touch the food they brought, I gave her hell because she needed to eat (she was always too thin, but she was even thinner after being in the hospice for a month), and she's like, "sweetheart, it tastes like sh*t, I can't eat it." To which I replied "it can't be THAT bad". Ha! She made me have some after that just to prove a point. It really does taste THAT BAD! Lol!




As for Timmy's being in hospitals, I don't see a problem with it. The food you can get at the cafeterias are just as bad (if not worse). At least Timmy's has "healthy" options- sandwiches, bagels, teas... And too, decent coffee if you want some while visiting someone that's in the hospital. Plus, especially at this time of the year- roll up the rim! :D How can that be a bad thing?! Hehe!


For the record- I'm 2 for 3 this year on Roll up the Rim! (which is already more than I won last year combined!) I'm hoping for the car (of course), but I'd be happy with the BBQ (or some more free coffees!). Moving out this summer, I'll definitely need one at my new place- I'd bbq year round:D

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same! and my friend won a car!


For the record- I'm 2 for 3 this year on Roll up the Rim! (which is already more than I won last year combined!) I'm hoping for the car (of course), but I'd be happy with the BBQ (or some more free coffees!). Moving out this summer, I'll definitely need one at my new place- I'd bbq year round:D

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Do you have any evidence that backs up this statement?


Wut? R u frealz? Its just what happens. A big concern of patients that stay for extended periods of time in hospitals is malnutrition. Docs get pissed all the time when their patients come up with new problems because of malnutrition (due to crappy hospital food). Theres also a landslide of evidence thats a pubmed search away. :rolleyes:

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i worked in potering/food service for 5 years, this shouldn't even need a study, patients don't eat their **** food (it is ****, when food for 1000 people is mass produced on a belt line and made in pots so big 4 people could take a hot bath in it there's no way around it, it's also funny to mention that we always got offered leftovers (that hadn't been served to patients) and except for jello/prepackagedcookies, none of the staff would take it for free), i picked up big wagons filled with trays of half eaten food for years, lol


Wut? R u frealz? Its just what happens. A big concern of patients that stay for extended periods of time in hospitals is malnutrition. Docs get pissed all the time when their patients come up with new problems because of malnutrition (due to crappy hospital food). Theres also a landslide of evidence thats a pubmed search away. :rolleyes:
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I was under the impression that people get malnourished because they are often very sick if a doctor decides to hospitalize them And when you're sick, you're usually not very hungry.


Also, there are TEAMS of dieticians working on patients menus and coming and asking patients what they would like to eat every day. You have to consider that most of the time, those patients require special food and that's part of the reason why the food seems crappy to visitors.


And I agree about Tim Hortons, It's much better than the MacDonald's they have in many US hospitals. I hope it never ever happens here.

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And I agree about Tim Hortons, It's much better than the MacDonald's they have in many US hospitals. I hope it never ever happens here.


Sick Kids has a Burger King, Toronto General has Hero Burger and a fried chicken place, and I'm sure other hospitals have similar restaurants - we've been on the unhealthy route for a while.

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