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Recording Lectures


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Hey guys. I tried searching this topic, but only came upon threads that were 5-6 years old :S I wanted to hear something a bit more recent from you guys :P I am just wondering how many of you record your lectures? I feel like recording my lectures will drastically help me in both reviewing information I missed during lecture, and hopefully raising my GPA.


So I am just wondering how many of you guys record your lectures, and if so what do you use to record it? For example, tape recorder? some kind of computer program? I am preferbly looking at computer programs because I find them to be much more efficient than having to place a tape recorder infront of the prof, and keeping an eye on it so no one dares to steal it :P. Also using a computer is just much more simpler to record, and I don't mind sitting in the front row of every class, because that's what I do either way. The only disadvantage I can see with computer recorders is catching other noises such as chatting in the class and constant shuffling of papers.


So anything that worked for you guys? I am about to finish my first year at York next month, and I believe that I have found what I need to do to raise my GPA (which is 3.8 now :S) >> to record lectures :P


edit: Also do any of you guys video record it? so you can see exactly what the professor is doing and what lecture he/she is on? I think I will like that better as it will be more interactive, but I guess just voice will also do. So any suggestions will be greatly appreciated :)

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recording lectures is definitely helpful


whenever i would record them in undergrad, i just used my mac quicktime (extremely basic) and it worked fine... especially if you sit near the front... a lot of profs seem to get annoyed when students ask them to wear a recorder around their neck or whatever... what tooty mentioned sounds pretty ideal though

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I don't record lectures, and some of my classes had podcasts/recordings (most of them video, one was audio only). I find that I rarely access the podcasts unless I missed the lecture, because it's simply not worth the time to look for the section I want clarification on (compared with textbook/wikipedia/google) or rewatch a lecture in entirety.


That said, if I were to record lectures, I think one of the livescribe pen things might be worth it if they work well, because you just pick the point in your notes that you want to be repeated without spending the time to fumble through the recordings.

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I find that they will be helpful, because some material is not in the textbook, but in the proff's lecture, and sometimes they talk so fast that I just can't type it all down in time.


Tooty, so camstudio records the screen right, but I need my own webcam and use a program for the webcam to record the video of my proff and leave it on my screen the entire time? In other words, I need a webcam to record the video and then keep this recording on my screen so that camstudio records my screen and I get the recording saved? Is that how it works? If so isn't there a program that could directly using my webcam capture video and audio? the only thing is my webcam does not have a mic :(

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I record certain lectures i.e. classes where profs talk a mile a minute and evaluate us on what is said as much as on what is in the slides (which is usually a bare min) and classes that are very detailed.


Personally I use a Sony voice recorder since I rather talk all my notes by hand and then rewrite everything in the ppt + listen to lecture to complete my notes the week following the class (I find I don't really have to study too much when exams come around because I do this).


Another option is the ipadio iPhone app that lets you record podcasts up to 60 minutes.



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Tooty, so camstudio records the screen right, but I need my own webcam and use a program for the webcam to record the video of my proff and leave it on my screen the entire time? In other words, I need a webcam to record the video and then keep this recording on my screen so that camstudio records my screen and I get the recording saved? Is that how it works? If so isn't there a program that could directly using my webcam capture video and audio? the only thing is my webcam does not have a mic :(


No. You record the screen because, ideally, the prof would have sent out powerpoint slides before the lecture. You then follow along your powerpoint slides on your laptop with what the prof says on stage. If there isn't a powerpoint, just do audio.

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I have referenced recordings once or twice when my notes were particularly unclear and it wasn't something that was mentioned in the textbook. I found that I just couldn't be bothered to re-listen to lectures and also, recording the lecture gave me a false sense of security that made me feel like I didn't have to listen or pay attention in class. But if it works for you, then by all means go for it. When I did try recording, I did it with my iPhone and I thought that worked better than recording on my laptop because that picked up on the clacking of the keyboard

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I would check and see what your university's policy is on recording lectures. When I was an undergraduate, we were not allowed to record lectures unless we had a need to do so due to a physical, mental or learning disability. So only students with a valid need for accommodation due to a disability were allowed to record lectures.

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I have never recorded lectures, however I have some friends that do. One of my friends records the lecture using her cellphone, however she told me she has never had the time to re-listen the entire lecture.


My physics prof. went nuts on a student when he found out he was recording his voice. :eek: He was like "you're performing and illegal action! I can sue you for copyright infringement!"


What I do is sit in the front ( of most classes) and away from my friends so I can focus on the material. My friends understand and actually think it is a good idea.


But if you must record make sure you have permission from the prof and check your school's policy. If your prof won't let you record... be very discrete:D

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I'm actually listening to a recorded lecture right now and then I saw this thread lol. Most of my profs don't mind at all and I do find it extremely helpful in lectures that are detail-intensive (ex: biochemistry) because I can always rewind and relisten to a part I might have missed or didn't hear what the professor was saying. I use a tape recorder and place it on the podium where the prof speaks (I have a sticker to identify that it's mine). Some of my courses are already videotaped/web optioned so that helps out as well. If you don't know your prof's policy on recording, it's best to ask =)

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I found that I just couldn't be bothered to re-listen to lectures and also, recording the lecture gave me a false sense of security that made me feel like I didn't have to listen or pay attention in class.
These are the reasons that I don't record lectures.


But I know a girl who records on her iphone and she said that it works for her.

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Oh, one thing I thought I'd let you know, is that if you have a fast ear, you can rewatch video lectures using VLC player on faster speed, so if you're reviewing you can get through more material quicker.


yup :)


I run the podcast project at our school. People overall are pretty positive for it. It is a nice safety net in case you miss something.

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I just sit in the front row and use the voice recorder on my blackberry when I do...playback isn't that good on the phone but when you transfer it to your computer its fine (bigger speakers)


Oh wow, never thought of that. I have a blackberry myself, so I shall try it tomorrow and see how it goes.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I am in the process of buying a microphone to use to record lectures with and I am wondering if this particular microphone:




would suffice. I would most likely always be sitting in the front row, so I would like to get your guys' opinions.


if you hve an ipod touch ( 3rd gen is the on i am talking about, not sure if previous generations will work), just use voice memos, and then it is really good to listen to in a quiet room, or big speakers. Also, I sit atleast 15 rows away from the prof, and its still loud and clear.


I also heard some laptops have nice little programs, macbook and garagetuner, etc.

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Unforunately, I don't have a microphone inside my laptop. I just have an HP webcam but no microphone. Would I be able to record lectures with a blackberry 9700?


Why not invest in a USB recorder - you can transfer the files afterwards and also the sound quality will be better (b/c some professors, let's face it, mumble in their lectures).


EDIT: sorry I didn't read the previous posts. I would recommend a USB microphone that you can plug into your computer, it looks something like this: http://www.soundprofessionals.com/cgi-bin/gold/category.cgi?category=9270&template=homepage

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I think you would. Here are two places for info:


1- Based on your phone: http://docs.blackberry.com/en/smartphone_users/deliverables/11298/Record_a_voice_note_233728_11.jsp

2- An additional app you could get: http://appworld.blackberry.com/webstore/search/voice%20recorder?lang=en&curr=CAD




Unforunately, I don't have a microphone inside my laptop. I just have an HP webcam but no microphone. Would I be able to record lectures with a blackberry 9700?
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