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Creepy horror movie


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Just saw a scary horror movie on my own in the dark. Its called 'The Amityville Horror'. Now to make the long walk from my laptop to my bed...


Does anyone recommend any other mind-boggling, creepy, scary horror movie?


Ahh, The Amityville Horror. I remember when I saw that in theaters haha, I'm a pretty big wuss when it comes to these kinds of movies so it scared me pretty good.


No idea why, but Gothika came into my head when you asked for other creepy movies haha. I can't really remember the whole movie, but I know it was pretty creepy!

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Ahh, The Amityville Horror. I remember when I saw that in theaters haha, I'm a pretty big wuss when it comes to these kinds of movies so it scared me pretty good.


No idea why, but Gothika came into my head when you asked for other creepy movies haha. I can't really remember the whole movie, but I know it was pretty creepy!


unless you're 40 years old, i assume you're talking about that crap ryan reynolds one?

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the movie 'It' scared me when I was a kid, but watching it recently, it was kind of cheesy


movies aren't really scary anymore... definitely not horror movies about monsters or masked axe murderers... i guess the ones that are still a bit scary are the psychological ones, like Jacob's Ladder or The Shining

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