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Females or Males: Group Projects

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Females. I'm usually the oldest or most educated or the loudest (lol) so they all follow pursuit and simply obey. (Seriously!). I generally get more participation out of females, more brainstorming, and a fair bit more initiation.


That being said, I can flirt easier with the males and they often follow my lead simply because of that. If there is going to be a conflict of personalities, it's gonna be with another alpha female...not with an alpha male.

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That being said, I can flirt easier with the males and they often follow my lead simply because of that. If there is going to be a conflict of personalities, it's gonna be with another alpha female...not with an alpha male.
lol. True.


I've been in more conflicts when working on something with another girl than if I was doing a project with a guy.

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Females. I'm usually the oldest or most educated or the loudest (lol) so they all follow pursuit and simply obey. (Seriously!). I generally get more participation out of females, more brainstorming, and a fair bit more initiation.


That being said, I can flirt easier with the males and they often follow my lead simply because of that. If there is going to be a conflict of personalities, it's gonna be with another alpha female...not with an alpha male.


Actually, this is exactly what I would say too, but I'm in the same boat age-wise.


Except that I find flirting to be very effective, and males follow my lead, especially with my very masculine haircut (which I am growing out right now).

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If you were given a group project who would you rather work?


Group of all males or group of all females?


Disclaimer: This is not ment to offend anyone. In one of my classes I find it that alot of groups for projects are either all male or all female


I don't care, as long as they are productive. And I don't think you can tell based on gender. :)

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Females: They take things more seriously and actually show up on time! (That's just been my experience....for instance: group presentations....guys would mention that there is no need to practice it.....we can just wing it and then something would go wrong most of the time...lol)


But overall, it may be good to have a mix of males and females in the group and then the strengths of the two genders can be used to make the project a success.

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Actually, this is exactly what I would say too, but I'm in the same boat age-wise.


Except that I find flirting to be very effective, and males follow my lead, especially with my very masculine haircut (which I am growing out right now).


Flirting works well, but not with the females. Lol. Well....okay, it works on some females.

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As future physicians its important to be able to work with both genders (as you will do in the future!). Gender doesn't matter to me for group projects, its the individual personality that's important (i.e. does the person care about doing well? are they slackers?). I find that there are more females than males who are willing to take the work more seriously.


It sucks... us males gotta pick up the pace! :P

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I just finished working with a group of three females for an ecology project it was an awesome experience we all got along perfectly, when I worked with males in previous projects it didn't go so well.


Do you find that if you work with other males, they tend to half-ass the project, give up easier, or settle with less-than ideal performance?

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I have to agree with the general consensus so far. I find that females are generally more motivated overall, and they usually put in the extra effort. I usually like to take leadership role as well so I can supervise the whole process, and so far I have strangely been in group projects with all girls and it has mostly worked out that I have been put in team lead role.. Only in one situation did I have to 'heavily edit' someone's work just because it was honestly so bad.. I basically rewrote their whole section. Not sure how ethical that is, but it had to be done for the good of the group and I did volunteer to compile and edit the group paper. I'm a male by the way, and the guys do need to pick up the pace.

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depends on the personality of the individual more than the sex for me i think


agree...i have been in both all male plus me and all female plus me groups. they did or did not work for a variety of reasons.


i believe it is more fun to be in a group of males as the sole female when you're doing a presentation. the guys are way more open and able to play the humour card and it always makes the presentation go quickly and with ease.

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I despise group projects. PERIOD.


But if I had to choose, females. I don't know, males I've worked with before didn't seem to care much about the work compared to the females. It's a motivation thing. Unless it's for a business presentation... Then, it's the other way around (ie for a business case competition). Females are more shy and are unlikely to speak out whereas the guys just ace it from what I've seen.

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