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Would having a master or a PhD help you in residency matching?

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So I still haven't made past the first hurdle of getting into med school yet, but a couple of people are already telling me how it's really difficult to match after med (in certain specialties). So do they evaluate your research experiences, education, etc.? Is it like a similar process to getting into meds? Thank you! :):P

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there's an 11 page thread on this in the carms forum, ignore the last 5 pages, it's mostly irrelevant arguing


So I still haven't made past the first hurdle of getting into med school yet, but a couple of people are already telling me how it's really difficult to match after med (in certain specialties). So do they evaluate your research experiences, education, etc.? Is it like a similar process to getting into meds? Thank you! :):P
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in terms of matching at a competitive academic centre like Toronto, having a PhD would definitely help in matching competitive specialties... masters, much less so, but if you are able to produce solid research during your masters it would be helpful in that manner... but the MSc title likely won't add much, as a probably PhD would


that said, it would be a terrible idea to get a PhD to make yourself a more competitive CARMS applicant vs. enjoying research


It is a somewhat similar process to applying to meds... they will look at your clerkship evaluations, reference letters, experiences, interest in the specialty, application package, research, interview etc...

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