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I never did that.


Are you hitting the sack soon?


Man you guys really stick to this question-answer system :o


I usually hit the sack around 1-2AM, so ohhhhh shat it's 12 already -- yes bedtime soon for me.


If you were the President of All Things, what changes would you make to the Canadian health care system and why?

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Man you guys really stick to this question-answer system :o


I usually hit the sack around 1-2AM, so ohhhhh shat it's 12 already -- yes bedtime soon for me.


If you were the President of All Things, what changes would you make to the Canadian health care system and why?

I have no idea what All Things is :/


When you think of the MCAT, what's the first thing that comes to mind?

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I'm reading spy novels such as Rapp series by Vine Flynn. Read those if you like thrillers.



What type of books do you like?


pop-up books. Everything else is too high of a reading level :(


If you could practice medicine anywhere, where would it be?

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i'll prob decide when i get hungry, short term planning isn't my forte ;)


i know what's for lunch though, just ordered it, wuts for lunch?


I'm enjoying the Caribbean, then moving on to Florida in early August, then family and finally return to med school. :)


What's for supper tonight?

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No Idea, I didn't ask. Maybe Mummy?


Do you look forward to December 21st 2012 or dread it?


I don't think of it as any other day considering the Mayans predicted a period of enlightenment at the end of their calendar and that date took place a long time ago since their calendar never accounted for leap years etc.


What is your earliest childhood memory?

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I don't think of it as any other day considering the Mayans predicted a period of enlightenment at the end of their calendar and that date took place a long time ago since their calendar never accounted for leap years etc.


What is your earliest childhood memory?


Being in the hospital. Don't know exactly when it was, because I was there a lot.


What is your fondest memory so far?

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No :o sorry!


What song best describes how you are currently feeling?


Summer - Allegro non molto, by Vivaldi as performed by Gil Shaham and the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. One of my favourite pieces ever.


Do you like classical music?

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Summer - Allegro non molto, by Vivaldi as performed by Gil Shaham and the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. One of my favourite pieces ever.


Do you like classical music?


Only if the mood is right (nighttime, or while studying for an exam)


If you could go to the future (~500 years), but could not tell anyone about what you saw, Would you?

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