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nah, i don't associate behavior with valuate assessment personally, and i find a lot of people to well, nevermind, lol... are u offended, lol?


To the core. Was contemplating not answering that for a while since it was directed at me just to see if anyone else would work up the nerve to keep this going but oh well.


Now I have to.. uhh what do you think of jerkstore?

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i just wanted to point out that dazzle's statement was a tautological falacy... aka, an oxymoron, ;)


uh, he seems like a cool dude, kinda like overly-into the premed thing, hard to tell unless u meet someone


what do u think of me or jerskstore, ur choice.


To the core. Was contemplating not answering that for a while since it was directed at me just to see if anyone else would work up the nerve to keep this going but oh well.


Now I have to.. uhh what do you think of jerkstore?

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i just wanted to point out that dazzle's statement was a tautological falacy... aka, an oxymoron, ;)


uh, he seems like a cool dude, kinda like overly-into the premed thing, hard to tell unless u meet someone


what do u think of me or jerskstore, ur choice.


I'm going to drive you crazy with this one, and answer your nonquestion.

Jerkstore's cool, although I did give him a lot of s*** for no reason... I thought he was a troll back when, now I know it's just jerkstore lol.


What do you think of megusta? Hah you don't get a choice

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I'm going to drive you crazy with this one, and answer your nonquestion.

Jerkstore's cool, although I did give him a lot of s*** for no reason... I thought he was a troll back when, now I know it's just jerkstore lol.


What do you think of megusta? Hah you don't get a choice


From what I can remember without actually going through and stalking your threads, my impression is positive. Unsure why specifically though, haha. I remember you being funny though! :D


Two (three) part question: (a) What do you think of french toast? ((B) See what I did there?) © If you like french toast, what is your favourite type of bread to have it on?


Sorry about all the brackets, btw.

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french toast is fantastic! B. Yes, indeed I do. I don't go on here enough to answer the non-food frenchtoast question though, but I'm sure you're fantastic as well. c is a trick question... isn't french toast made from french bread? :) I actually really like french toast made from cinnamon bread, yum.


why did you choose your username?

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french toast is fantastic! B. Yes, indeed I do. I don't go on here enough to answer the non-food frenchtoast question though, but I'm sure you're fantastic as well. c is a trick question... isn't french toast made from french bread? :) I actually really like french toast made from cinnamon bread, yum.


why did you choose your username?

I like amethyst, the colour and the stone


What does you final schedule look like?

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The most recent one, was this past summer when I realized I had a fear of giant, creepy kid costumes a la http://img.alibaba.com/wsphoto/v0/444753083/Promotion-Newest-professional-cartoon-character-Mickey-mouse-costume-Cartoon-Mascot-Character-Costume-Free-Shipping.jpg --- it was about ~6'2 and was following me all night (at my little cousin bday part) and I kept running away from it--at one point I hid behind my mother and told her "make it go away" with my eyes all glassy ... my entire family burst out laughing at my idiocy. I think my cousin caught part of it on video... it's funny to me now b/c my little cousin, she's 8 was scared too and I'm ~19!


Favourite food?


thats a hard question....umm pizzas are pretty good.

A place you want to visit? :rolleyes:

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Garlic. Not even a question. (P.S. Prague is beautiful. Good choice.)


Do you mind being licked by animals (cats and dogs, specifically)?


If it is gentle I do not mind, but if the muzzle forcefully aims for my genitals I am annoyed.


Do you feel comforted by the thickness of some books?

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it can't be that bad can it, lol... i love u of t's broad campus too... i remember when i was deciding on applying to law or meds u of t and osgoode were my absolute top before i decided on applying to meds. i'd still love to do a j.d. there, my doc keeps saying i should later on, lol... but ive had weeks where i've put in like 90 hours or so of work/studying/research when i'm not in school... then again, my goals are rather grandiose... once you really push yourself too, things become sort of easy, in a way.


i think coffee is actually my favorite food, lol.


if you could learn anything in the world (instrument, painting, etc.)

what would it be?




A fried salmon and veggie stir fry.


You went to U of T, did you find the rumours to be true about their excessively difficult marking and curving?

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hmmm, what do you mean? lol, im curious, like stroke victims... the dead ;)


mmm, considering, i had twelve hours of research, reading, letters, client stuff to do today, it definitely would have been a nice distraction, lol.


what kind of doctor do u want to be, lol?


To communicate with those incapable of communicating, giving them hope.


Did you miss this forum? lol

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Those apparently in a vegitative state.


hmmm, what do you mean? lol, im curious, like stroke victims... the dead ;)


mmm, considering, i had twelve hours of research, reading, letters, client stuff to do today, it definitely would have been a nice distraction, lol.


what kind of doctor do u want to be, lol?


I want to be a competent doctor. :P

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who knows, maybe they can hear you ;)


that's good, that's the best kind.


is anyone interested in health economics?


Always open to new things, but haven't actually looked at it no.


What's your favorite class this term if you're in med school?

If you aren't in med school, what was your favorite pre-req class for your application?

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