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Didn't know premed game rules, now what?

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What do you mean by didn't know the rules? Everyone knows that you need a high gpa to get into medschool.


Not everyone knows they want to go to med school when finishing high school and doing their UG. You might have been planning on some other career or else.


If you have the motivation, yes it's possible!

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What do you mean by didn't know the rules? Everyone knows that you need a high gpa to get into medschool.


as far as I have seen no they don't :) Often people think you need a) a high percentage or that B) you don't need as high a GPA as you do and then there is that entire full time course load, special course level policies blah, blah.


The number of people I run into in 3rd year that don't know what GPA even is continues to surprise me. Really some of that is the medical school/university fault - we have to do a better job about getting the word out.

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What do you mean by didn't know the rules? Everyone knows that you need a high gpa to get into medschool.


That is certainly not the case! I was told in first year that an "80%" average was good enough to get into med school, and so thought I was fine. Then I realized GPA does NOT equal percentage, and I had screwed myself over. I should've looked it up myself.

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with excellent strategic and tactical decision making along the way, accompanied by prioritizing, efficient studying, self-sacrifice and a high work ethic - and keeping yourf eye on the ball (goal), allowing no distractions and dealing well with the bumps and detourds encountered along the journey

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