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9/11: Where were you?


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Every person I asked that question remembers what they did on that day. I was in cegep in my philosophy class and my stupid professor refused to end the class and continued as if nothing happend. I left at the break because I just couldn't listen to him knowing that something horrible was happening exactly at the same time.

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In math class. And then it was recess but they wouldn't let us go outside because the city was basically evacuating the downtown core in case something happened at Parliament and parents were coming home and picking up their kids early. Teachers kept going to the teacher's lounge to watch the TV there and keep us informed.


Every person I asked that question remembers what they did on that day.
Same. Even people I know who were quite young at the time (6 or 7 yrs) will tell me that they remember their teachers crying or their parents telling them that something happened. It impacted a lot of the world either directly or indirectly.
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I can't believe I didn't even care, I wish I could go back and actually acknowledge the importance of the event now.


Anywho, I was in grade four and was just sitting there and our teachers said something was happening in America but I was like k... cool. And the other teacher actually left because she had family in NY so they made us all go back home early and then my mom was all "LOOK! LOOK! THE TOWERS ARE COLLAPSING!" and I can't believe I just shrugged it off lol. I mean, I was mildly amused cos it was like an action movie but that was it.

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I was in grade 4. I went back home for dinner and my father was sitting in front of the TV. He had come back early from work because they feared some other attacks. I think he's the one who told me what happened, I don't remember any teacher telling us anything about it...

When I went back to school every kid was talking about Word War III... But we didn't really understand what was happening, we were so young!

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I woke up and was getting ready to go to school. Went to my kitchen, and my mom had the tv on and I kept watching clips of the first plane crashing into one of the towers. I remember looking at it, and not understanding what it all meant. I was 12 and the whole concept of a "terrorist attack" didn't click with me.

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I remember it so clearly:(


I was 13, and I was getting ready for school, when the phone rang (Mom answered) and next thing I know she's telling me to "come here". (My dad had called and told her to turn on the TV. Apparently she asked him which station and he had said "it doesn't matter which one. It's everywhere"). So I had come out of the bathroom and saw the TV and I remember asking "Whoah that looks so real! What movie is it?" My mom answered that it wasn't a movie, and that it was actually happening and I remember being in complete shock. It was about 8:15 MST. As I was finishing getting ready for school, I kept my eyes glued in disbelief, understanding that something terrible was happening, but not knowing why. Then I noticed something going on that to this day brings chills... I remember saying to my mom "Look at all the debris and stuff falling from the buildings. It must really be burning bad!" She looked at me and said, "That's not debris, those are people." I really teared up:( I couldn't fathom how desparate and hopeless people must have been to try to jump from that height to safety. I kept thinking that it couldn't be real. That it had to be a movie or something. I guess I mostly just didn't want it to be real. I couldn't imagine why someone would want to do that to innocent people.


I finished getting ready, and was still watching before we had to leave when the second tower fell. It was so hard to watch. I remember bursting into tears because of all of the people that were trapped that had no way out. My mom, my brother, and I all kinda just looked at each other and hugged each other while we were crying. I remember being a little late for school that day. I also remember my mom getting out of the vehicle when she was dropping us off (which she never did) and I remember her hugging us extra tight as she told us how much she loved us.



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I was in grade 4. I went back home for dinner and my father was sitting in front of the TV. He had come back early from work because they feared some other attacks. I think he's the one who told me what happened, I don't remember any teacher telling us anything about it...

When I went back to school every kid was talking about Word War III... But we didn't really understand what was happening, we were so young!

I remember WWIII talk as well. And it wasn't just from the kids.
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First, I just have to say that all of you saying you were in grade 5 remind me of watching the OJ Simpson verdict when I was in grade 5. Also, f_d, you were on a plane?!? That's crazy! :eek:


I was in my second year of undergrad in the States, and I had an 8 AM chemistry class that morning. It was a Tuesday. My school played the national anthem every morning at 7:30 and 5:30 when they raised and lowered the flag, and you were supposed to stop walking when they played it and hardly anyone ever did, but I always did because it felt like it was the respectful thing to do as a guest in that country. So the national anthem started (I hadn't heard anything yet, although we were 2 hours behind New York time, so stuff had already happened), and I stopped walking and thought to myself for the hundredth time about how ironic it was that I was stopping for the American national anthem while all the Americans around me kept walking to class. That was the last day I would think that, because after that everyone stopped for the national anthem.


So then I got to chemistry, and my prof, who was one of the most arrogant and awful people I have ever had the displeasure of knowing, made some comment about did we hear that some moron crashed a plane into a building somewhere, and wasn't that stupid that the airlines hired people that didn't even know how to fly? Obviously he missed the part about it being a terrorist attack. Then I got to my next class, which was a writing class, and everyone was watching it on TV. My school didn't cancel classes, because they figured that was what the terrorist would have wanted, but they did say that we were excused from classes if we wanted to be. There's a bit more to the story, but it was such an awful time and I really hate thinking about it. But maybe I'll come back and add details later if we're still talking about it.

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I was sitting on the tarmac waiting for our plane to depart to NY (go figure) to give a presentation at Bayer.


Needless to say i didnt make it to NY that week lol


It was pretty surreal to see THOUSANDS of ppl deplaning and filling pearson. It was packed. Im just glad i wasnt in the air already.

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I was sitting on the tarmac waiting for our plane to depart to NY (go figure) to give a presentation at Bayer.


Needless to say i didnt make it to NY that week lol


It was pretty surreal to see THOUSANDS of ppl deplaning and filling pearson. It was packed. Im just glad i wasnt in the air already.


I wonder if the people in the air when 9/11 happened were told what was happening.

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I was in grade 5 and we didn't hear anything about the attacks at school. I was at a K-5 school so I guess they figured we were too young. My nanny picked me and my sister up and took us on a walk. She told us that something very sad had happened in the US today; I didn't really understand. My parents came home early that night and we all watched on tv. I didn't understand the full magnitude of the attack until the next year when we talked about it on the first anniversary of 9/11.

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