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confused on which courses to declare as sci prereqs?


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i have completed all my science pre-reqs in cegep. from the following site: http://www.mcgill.ca/medadmissions/applying/general-requirements/basic-science-prerequisites

it lists that you need 6 credits in physics, another 3 credits in organic chem. i'm assuming 3 credits is equivalent to one class. in cegep my science courses were credited as 2.66 credits. i completed 3 courses in physics and took both organic I and II. so i'm wondering when i have to check off whether or not this course is a science pre-requisite. do i select both organic chem classes, or just one? same for physics?


this obviously has a bearing on what my science GPA will come out to. i tried asking adcom to be more specific with the science prereqs but they simply told me to check their website and unfortunately could not provide me with further details.

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I don't know much about cegep, but yes 3 credits is one course. For my undergrad science prerequisites I listed both 1st year courses for physics, 2 courses for organic chem, 2 courses for inorganic and a biochem for that category too. So I would list whatever courses you took for those categories, one course isn't enough. I called them up last month and they said if I'm not sure about which courses will satisfy the requirements I could list as many will fit in the menu, which was 4 courses in each category. So, where there was extra space, I added an upper year courses just in case, though I made sure to list the introductory level courses since I was told that should be listed. Hope that helps.

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I don't know much about cegep, but yes 3 credits is one course. For my undergrad science prerequisites I listed both 1st year courses for physics, 2 courses for organic chem, 2 courses for inorganic and a biochem for that category too. So I would list whatever courses you took for those categories, one course isn't enough. I called them up last month and they said if I'm not sure about which courses will satisfy the requirements I could list as many will fit in the menu, which was 4 courses in each category. So, where there was extra space, I added an upper year courses just in case, though I made sure to list the introductory level courses since I was told that should be listed. Hope that helps.


thank you for the reply.


i tried to go back into medoas but it's temporary out of service. from what i remember in self-reported grades section all it asks me to do is answer yes or no on whether or not it is a science pre-requisite. i did not see specific categories for organic, gen chem, and so on. just wanted to make sure what you meant as categories.


thanks again

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I don't know much about cegep, but yes 3 credits is one course. For my undergrad science prerequisites I listed both 1st year courses for physics, 2 courses for organic chem, 2 courses for inorganic and a biochem for that category too. So I would list whatever courses you took for those categories, one course isn't enough. I called them up last month and they said if I'm not sure about which courses will satisfy the requirements I could list as many will fit in the menu, which was 4 courses in each category. So, where there was extra space, I added an upper year courses just in case, though I made sure to list the introductory level courses since I was told that should be listed. Hope that helps.


Did you guys write lab or not? Or do they assume if we put them as pre-reqs that they have such? There is no instructions for this!

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Didn't you guys first list the courses in WebApp, there was an area to write the courses and you had to check off if it was completed or not and if it had a lab component. Most of them required lab components, so you had to have checked off it had a lab component if it did. But this step was due Nov.1, in MedOAS now you only check off which courses are a prereq in your list of courses, which are supposed to be the same chosen for WebApp, right?

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Al-Doctora, I think you are right.


I have a question not pertaining to sci pre-reqs (sorry for highjacking the thread), but do we need to include the courses we are planning on taking in winter semester under academic history? Mine aren't on my transcript and they are obviously not yet "in progress", so I guess I should leave them out?



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