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Interview Invitations Are OUT!!!! Accepted/Rejected

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How can this be possible? What did this person honestly do to get 50/50 on NAQ? I just wish i undestood


Some of the NAQ resumes I have seen were nothing short of incredible... but still getting 18-20 out of 25, max.


Actually, someone earlier in this thread got that exact combination. Which is what set me off into starting the discussion. I think it might have been "eternalkeener", but I'm not sure and I'm not keen on going back so many pages to look.


EDIT: Wait, I think I remember it was 1.3? Something like that. One point something.

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Well just to post my stats

GPA: 84.74%

AQ: 32.47

NAQ: 26.10

TFR: 58.57


First time applying.


For me I had a pretty lousy first year which hadn't been removed. Solid grades (90+) last couple years.

For NAQ I felt like I had a lot but in retrospect I can see that what was missing was the long term commitment aspect. Only thing I did in my first two years of University was play hockey and ball hockey. Since then I've added quite a number of things that are very extensive but yeah no long term commitment evident.

If only I had decided I wanted to be a doctor much earlier...

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On the whole, I agree with everything you've said.


But I don't know. Doesn't anyone find something very wrong when someone is awarded 1.5/50 for AQ and 50/50 for NAQ? That means you can totally max out the non-academic portion, meet the academic requirements, and STILL not receive consideration for the interview.


I think the half-transparency is the main culprit for all the complaints. No admissions system can be perfect. But by giving the breakdown scores upon regrets, it puts the system under the microscope, leaving the flaws for everyone to see and examine.


I'm not sure what to make of the selective well-wishing in the last part. I also don't know who you're referring to when you mention a tirade against UBC's admissions process, but if it refers to me, I assure you that this is not a petty little tirade. Some of us reading this discussion will get into medical school, and will perhaps be involved in admissions one day. I'm just trying to raise some points for discussion that deserve attention and critical analysis, which are key to process improvement. It is nothing personal, and it has nothing to do with me - I haven't even gotten my own response from UBC yet.


EDIT: Regardless, this thread should probably go back to being a place for people to post their results. I won't talk about it here anymore.


I don't see how this is wrong.

That means the applicant is NOT well-rounded if you get two extremes from AQ and NAQ. Also like other people said, UBC does state meeting the 75% limit does not guarantee you a spot. They can't guess how strong the applicant pool will be. They don't know if <80% can get in or not this year..

And I like the fact that they are becoming more GPA-heavy, didn't feel that excessive mindless volunteering and resume padding was a great system either.

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You commented like this before even knowing what kind of hardships that I did face. They were extremely substantial and I let UBC know that. For the record, I had a couple of devastating years, not even anything to do with my study habits, then sucked it up, did a second undergad in science, pulling off competitive grades even in fourth year and even by this year's out of touch with reality's standards, while volunteering substantially in the community and keeping up lots of extracurriculars and subsequently got rejectd after two rounds of interviews. If you think they judged me based on true merit, you are quite mistaken because I AM what you would call a competitive applicant. This year's application process would exclude any applicant such as myself, who deserves a shot at pursuing the career he or she has been working for many years. Your classmates still got in by the old and more level playing field system. Please do not take offense to something I did not even say. The new system jacks up the level playing field into something incredibly twisted. That is the simple reality of it.

What gives you the audacity and the gall to try to accentuate your own personal hardships by belittling those of who were accepted? Songofdovely simply stated that you don't know what kind of hardships medical students have faced in the past before matriculating, yet you somehow warped that into saying that she was belittling yours. You don't know what any of the students have faced in the past, so don't make asinine blanket generalisations that all of us have lived a privileged and comfy lifestyle. The reality is that you are certainly not the only person who has hit rock bottom and glued the pieces back together. If you stopped for a second trying to garner pity for yourself, you'd realise that life sucks for everyone and everyone has ups and downs in life. Some are more privileged than others, but that doesn't necessitate that the 2015s, 2014s, 2013s, etc. are not a diverse group of students from all walks of life. Think before you post because if you insult my colleagues I will stand up for them.
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Overall Grade Point Average 84.37

Adjusted Grade Point Average 84.58 (Interim stats: 84.59)

AQ Score 31.93 (31.31)

NAQ Score 25.81 (30.21)

TFR Score 57.74 (61.53)


Regrets, no interview from UBC, for a third time.

Disappointed - yes

Upset - yes

but looking at the stats, I understand and am at peace. Turns out my grades are not as bad as I had thought..maybe i don't need to go back to doing a second undergrad afterall!


OOP: OttawaU Queen's UToronto McMaster Calgary Alberta Manitoba


When this week is over, let's start a thread to look at how some of us who didnt get invited for interviews can improve our AQ and NAQ for the coming years! Will be great to hear from people who have been admitted in previous years and people who have been invited for interviews this year :)


Good luck to everyone else.



'I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become" - Carl Jung

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For the record, these are the NAQ scores as of last night. Note they range from ~22-40 (with one outlier). AQ scores range from 3-45+. I am NOT a stats person, so I'm not going to attempt to explain this, but there IS a problem with false advertising in that UBC states that "academic and non-academic portions are weighted equally", when they are clearly not. As repede stated, there is something wrong. We're actually ALL well-rounded, as Mithril said. We also all have academic ability, even if it doesn't show up on paper. Increasing trend in GPA, taking course overloads, all those things are considered in the "subjective academic review" done by UofC. This subjective review is done for all IP applicants.


NAQ scores of rejected applicants, as of ~2200 last night:





































OK, I really have to go now, but I wish everyone luck today. I have my fingers crossed still for many of you.


Rejection hurts, I welcome people to PM me if they want to talk about it.

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The hardships in the past cycles are not what I am talking about. Nobody obviously had hardships that affected their gpas that much that they couldnt get into med. It has now proven impossible to be competitive for ubc med if you are academically competent NOW and before but if you had such unavoidable tragedies that your gpa was affected that much. I never said songofdovely was belittling my hardships.

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Hi all,


Long time reading, first time posting. I was looking at the graph Prateek put together and at some of the scores people are posting...maybe I missed something, but doesn't the MCAT go into this score? Don't awards get counted as well? It would seem silly to base it all just on GPA, though I do feel like it should be central.


Again, just looking at some of the scores, I see differences of 0.54 in AQ scores between two people that have a difference of 1.12% in their averages; same difference of 0.54 present for people with a difference of 0.37% in their averages.


Forgive my lack of knowledge on the topic, it's my first time applying...

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Hi all,


Long time reading, first time posting. I was looking at the graph Prateek put together and at some of the scores people are posting...maybe I missed something, but doesn't the MCAT go into this score? Don't awards get counted as well? It would seem silly to base it all just on GPA, though I do feel like it should be central.


Again, just looking at some of the scores, I see differences of 0.54 in AQ scores between two people that have a difference of 1.12% in their averages; same difference of 0.54 present for people with a difference of 0.37% in their averages.


Forgive my lack of knowledge on the topic, it's my first time applying...


The MCAT is not looked at pre-interview. AQ score ONLY takes into account the aGPA/oGPA at this point.


Look at my graph on page 36, the scale is pretty definitive there from the data people have posted and it also makes sense since the max is at 90 and min is at 75. Generally a 1% difference is 3.4 points on the AQ score. The reason for the variations is I think that people round their marks up/down when posting it here partially due to remaining anonymous to ADCOM. But in general a good trend is observed.

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The MCAT is not looked at pre-interview. AQ score ONLY takes into account the aGPA/oGPA at this point.


Look at my graph on page 36, the scale is pretty definitive there from the data people have posted and it also makes sense since the max is at 90 and min is at 75. Generally a 1% difference is 3.4 points on the AQ score. The reason for the variations is I think that people round their marks up/down when posting it here partially due to remaining anonymous to ADCOM. But in general a good trend is observed.



I really hope that formula is right. Thanks for enlightening me!

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The hardships in the past cycles are not what I am talking about. Nobody obviously had hardships that affected their gpas that much that they couldnt get into med. It has now proven impossible to be competitive for ubc med if you are academically competent NOW and before but if you had such unavoidable tragedies that your gpa was affected that much. I never said songofdovely was belittling my hardships.


Didn't UBC have last 60 credits in the past? Aren't they now dropping your worst grade? I don't see how that is so unforgiving towards people that had much lower grades in earlier years but now has a 'competent' GPA.

Plus I've never seen people do worse in their 3rd/4th year than 1st/2nd years, so it affects everyone when they do not look ONLY at your recent years. That would be ridiculous, not to mention unfair for those who've kept it through first and second years.


And not to be a **** but I don't really understand why you say you deserve a shot. You said you've went through two interviews already. They've given you two shots and if they thought you were not a competitive enough candidates after your interview, what makes you think that you 'deserve' to be in UBC med so much that their system is flawed to have not chosen a valid candidate?

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Whoah. i never said i deserve to be in ubc med. i have looked at my stats and barring things beyond my control that happened a long time ago and which have no bearing on my academic abilities or qualifications, i have the same scores as people who are receiving interviews right now. i speak for all in my position and am not garnering pity or sympathy.

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What gives you the audacity and the gall to try to accentuate your own personal hardships by belittling those of who were accepted? Songofdovely simply stated that you don't know what kind of hardships medical students have faced in the past before matriculating, yet you somehow warped that into saying that she was belittling yours. You don't know what any of the students have faced in the past, so don't make asinine blanket generalisations that all of us have lived a privileged and comfy lifestyle. The reality is that you are certainly not the only person who has hit rock bottom and glued the pieces back together. If you stopped for a second trying to garner pity for yourself, you'd realise that life sucks for everyone and everyone has ups and downs in life. Some are more privileged than others, but that doesn't necessitate that the 2015s, 2014s, 2013s, etc. are not a diverse group of students from all walks of life. Think before you post because if you insult my colleagues I will stand up for them.




Will you stand up for the 2017's? (possibly with Eternalkeener in that class .....)

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So if someone has pretty good NAQ (30's), but low AQ (20's) then can they go to school as an unclassified student and take "easy" courses, ideally get 90+ on them and possibly raise 1 or 2 %. then they can get a higher Aq, and hence an interview, but without doing good in their undergrad degree.


Hypothetical situation. but does that work?

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eternalkeeper, I understand where you are coming from and I am sure that you could make a good physician; however, you have to take into account that due to the high level of competition UBCs hands are tied. They cannot do something that accommodates everyone. Many qualified people do not make it through.


There are enough students who have maintained high academic marks from the beginning and some have gone through extreme hardship as well and many come from low socioeconomic backgrounds. Furthermore, UBC does not have a solid way of measuring the hardship people have experienced.


Put yourself into the shoes of ADCOM, given the high number of qualified applicants applying, they cannot really be as “open-minded“. Their main goal is to be fair in the selection process and I personally think that what they are doing is the best they can do. The other extreme end would in my opinion be more unfair. If they just went on non academics with little emphasis on academics, younger applicants who are showing very high potential would be selected against. People can easily abuse such a system via resume padding. Also having a lot of activities is not necessarily and indicator of your skills or performance. It does to a certain degree show well roundedness but I view non academics as a sort of a pass fail system. You either have an activity or you dont.


Anyways I hope that you have better luck with other schools and I wish everyone the best of luck for the next round of regret massacares.

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Any new Thursday rejections?


nothing yet for me, I'm much more antsy today than I was yesterday. Not getting any news by 4.30 yesterday gave me a false sense of confidence. and now I'm terrified. I am refreshing premed 101 every 10 minutes or so.


This is torture.

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I have 82.3% aGPA and have not been rejected yet... but I will with that aGPA.


My NAQ will be good... ~34, but not enough for interview.


So, FYI, more cuts on Thursday (and possibly Friday). Y'all have not escaped the wrath of UBC medicine yet


Now I know what it feels like to be on "Survivor" - complete with the contestants commenting on their feelings, emotions, fears, strategies, and ideas of fairness.


What an experience.

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