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Are you a Yorkie Premed? (York Premed Discussion)


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He takes for granted the reason for someone not crossing a picket line is due to a philosophical position. IIRC, senate policy doesn't say anything about why someone crosses or doesn't cross.


He should actually be fired.


edit: Anyways, Im going to cross the lines. I don't trust the school and I don't trust some of my profs.


I'm not understanding correctly. Deciding not to cross a picket line is a philosophical position, so if that professor can show that a student is picking and choosing which classes to attend, why would he be in the wrong to penalize a student?

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I'm not understanding correctly. Deciding not to cross a picket line is a philosophical position, so if that professor can show that a student is picking and choosing which classes to attend, why would he be in the wrong to penalize a student?


If you're an uninformed student and cross on Day 1, and in crossing, are educated on what the union is fighting for (and what unions represent) and then change your mind on crossing, you would be punished by this professor. You shouldn't be.


If you cross on day 1, day 2, day 3 and then on day 4 realize it is unsafe (someone was ran over, there were death threats made etc), you can choose not to cross.

Senate policy accounts for all of this. Professor's policy does not. 

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Oh okay, yes that makes sense. I was thinking more along the lines of the ~actual~ reasons a lot of people will choose when to cross or not lol (more important courses vs less important courses)


Most of my professors seem to be very understanding about students deciding not the cross picket lines, and have been actively responding to emails and questions over the past two weeks. I'm quite surprised at how many people will be crossing just because they don't trust the university or their professors to accommodate them or respect Senate policy.

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Oh okay, yes that makes sense. I was thinking more along the lines of the ~actual~ reasons a lot of people will choose when to cross or not lol (more important courses vs less important courses)


Most of my professors seem to be very understanding about students deciding not the cross picket lines, and have been actively responding to emails and questions over the past two weeks. I'm quite surprised at how many people will be crossing just because they don't trust the university or their professors to accommodate them or respect Senate policy.


Well for me, I trust my psych, genetics, cell bio and adv biochem profs to respect policy and accommodate the request.


I do not trust anyone involved in Biol 2070. I don't know what the remediation would be. How do you perform a lab at home?


I figure that if I cross picket lines for 4 courses, I am obligated to do so for the rest of my courses.

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Reply from one prof...



"Thank you, Aaron, for your thoughtful and well worded email. I fully respect and support your decision to not cross any picket line after the terrible decision made today by Senate Executive to resume classes even though the strike continues for Units 1 and 3. In regard to class, you will not be penalized for your ethical stance in this matter to not cross the picket lines. As everything is up in the air at this moment, and I am in regular touch with colleagues who are also teaching this term to deal with this issue throughout the program, I will be back in contact with you and the rest of the class as soon as possible to determine the next course of action. I appreciate your advice to be well and to be careful. Be assured you will suffer no penalty whatsoever for the position you outline in regard to class nor should you in any other course; if you are penalized in another course let me know and you can be assured the faculty will support you. "‎
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Not sure you have recourse then? I really don't know. If it wasn't during the regular exam period then you'd have options "No examinations or tests collectively worth more than 20% of the final grade in a course will be given during the final 14 calendar days of classes in a term"

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