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Are you a Yorkie Premed? (York Premed Discussion)


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Not sure you have recourse then? I really don't know. If it wasn't during the regular exam period then you'd have options "No examinations or tests collectively worth more than 20% of the final grade in a course will be given during the final 14 calendar days of classes in a term"


I was under the impression throughout the strike that if the professor were to suddenly change the weighting of things and outright cancel midterms they had to have the consensus of the class first. I thought I had read that somewhere. I can't see the majority of students being happy with this. Maybe I'm wrong though.

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My psych prof just cancelled the second midterm... (content will be on the final) and is saying we will have our last class April 13 THEN an exam... can they do this?


This is essentially a 70% final it seems. Is that even allowed?

Psych of women right. At first I was happy that I don't have to deal with another midterm, then I realized it would make the final a killer 70% exam :(

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Psych of women right. At first I was happy that I don't have to deal with another midterm, then I realized it would make the final a killer 70% exam :(


Yeeesss. Maybe students could convince her to weigh the first midterm heavier? Also I don't understand why we can't just have a class on April 6. I do NOT want to still be attending classes mid April..

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Yeeesss. Maybe students could convince her to weigh the first midterm heavier? Also I don't understand why we can't just have a class on April 6. I do NOT want to still be attending classes mid April..

so freakin stupid. I think if we voice our concerns in class she might consider adjusting the weighing of the 2 exams.


Why can't we just have the 2nd midterm... she could make it shorter and from fewer chapters.

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Surely MC midterms don't require TA's? How are they going to invigilate final exams with no TA's/GA's? It'll be a cheaters paradise


Good point. I got so excited that part completely went over my head... wtf was York thinking.


Better question, are they just going to hire undergrads/outside workers for exams if the strike isn't resolved by then?

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