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To all people interviewing this weekend and all others

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Lol I wish!!! But that would have happened over the first weekend...darn missed my chance!! :P


Ellorie if I see you I'll say hi :)


We may not be able to let you in for being the 100th interviewer...but, I will try and find you and give you the BIGGEST high five of life right after your interview! True Story.



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We may not be able to let you in for being the 100th interviewer...but, I will try and find you and give you the BIGGEST high five of life right after your interview! True Story.




DONE and done lol The closer the weekend's getting the more excited I'm becoming (also looking forward to the video) :D You guys are all such nice and friendly people. I really hope I do well at the interview, because I really want to go to Western!!

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DONE and done lol The closer the weekend's getting the more excited I'm becoming (also looking forward to the video) :D You guys are all such nice and friendly people. I really hope I do well at the interview, because I really want to go to Western!!


Not going to lie, as excited and pumped as I am to see and meet all you interviewees...I'm also STOKED for you guys to just watch our video (and maybe also excited to see it myself again) ><

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I interviewed the first weekend, but I'm excited for this weekend so the interview video will be released after :P I was trying to tell my friend about it, but it definitely needs to be seen to be fully appreciated lol. Good luck everyone! The med students were all really helpful, it made the day much less stressful when I didn't have to worry about finding my way around, etc.

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I have been getting some PMs from people worried about afternoon interviews...and asking whether the interviewers will still be as "excited" and "energetic" to be interviewing people.


And although I have replied back saying that don`t let the time of the day affect your interview, I just want to reiterate it on here for anyone else wondering the same thing! Its about being yourself...its about YOUR personality and what you bring to the table :D

There`s a lunch break and everything in the middle of the day, so, rest assured, they will be raring to go and stoked to see you all in the afternoon.


Again, guys, just relax - chill - breathe - and if you`re still unsure...

Here are my friends from Channel 4 KVWN News from San Diego to help you along with some Afternoon Delight



GOOD LUCK everyone and rock on

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I have been getting some PMs from people worried about afternoon interviews...and asking whether the interviewers will still be as "excited" and "energetic" to be interviewing people.


Who cares? Just interview!

Your Inner Game is most important--nothing else matters.

Walk in, sit down, chill out; chat confidently and personably.


All other factors (time of day, interviewers' parasympathetic tone*) doesn't matter. And that stuff you can't control anyways, so who gives a shiit?


Just Breathe:



*Just to clarify, though: Interviewers will happy to interview you any time of day. They're good.

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I had a 2pm interview last interview weekend and my panel was very lively and attentive. Obviously a small sample size, but know that the interviewers also went through a selection process to be on the admissions committee and they are excited to help with the process and interview potential students, so don't worry too much about their attention level.

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I think that the song you linked is the most beautiful thing I have ever heard. To sing it in the way that she has during my interview, I think it would be hard for the interviewers to reject me.


Anyways, I had an interview right before lunch and my panel was mixed. They started smiling and responding after I gave a couple of solid answers. The content of your answers can really move them, even if they are tired. Just focus on your responses.



Just Breathe:


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I had a 2pm interview last interview weekend and my panel was very lively and attentive. Obviously a small sample size, but know that the interviewers also went through a selection process to be on the admissions committee and they are excited to help with the process and interview potential students, so don't worry too much about their attention level.


keep in mind the interviews are only doing 4 hours total at day with an hour for lunch etc and breaks between sessions. Not exactly the most stressful day a doctor can have :)

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So I was scouting out the area today and figured out where the location was lol.


Quick questions if someone may answer:

1.So how long are the actual interviews (if we decide to also skip the videos and excluding the waiting time)? It's just 45 minutes or so right? I might need to reschedule my ticket to get home.


2. I see that the Medical Sciences building is connected to the Dental Sciences building which then leads to the university hospital. Now, for the interview, once we enter Medical Sciences building, do we have to register immediately with everyone else (assuming I arrive about 1.5 hours early...someone will be at that main door at all times, right??? lol ) or can we do our own self-guided tour first for abit (I enjoy personal adventure and a bit of private time to calm myself before the interview)?


As such, I'd like to ask if I can just continue to tread through MS after entering and passing DSB to take a quick tour of the hospital (as well as also check out the Taylor library in Natural Sciences...I'd have to walk back to main MS doors if I do this right? Hope this trek isn't too time consuming) and come back to register about 30 minutes before my interview.


Haha,sorry for the wall of text and tedious questions. I'm just curious and anxious (hence the need to calm myself alone lol, weird I know but aren't we all?).

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Re: Question 2

There will be a crowd of happy 1st year medstudents at the front door welcoming you into the building and helping you register.

After that, you're free to have private time to calm down and do your own thing if you want.


I don't want to speak for the organizers, but it shouldn't be a problem for you to check out Medsci, Taylor Library, and Natural sciences on your own. Or even the campus in general--Western is pretty.

Don't get lost, though; it's probably a better idea to take a guided tour (there are numerous tours--smaller groups of people being shown around).


Also, chill out! It's all good! :)

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