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Writing Station Failure

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During the writing station, I spent way too much time planning my essay...I had barely begun my intro paragraph when I was told there was 5 (or 15...can't remember now) minutes remaining. Anyways I rushed through three paragraphs (barely legible, though my writing is usually very neat) and was just about to start my conclusion when time ran out. Needless to say, I was horrified!


Yet, I feel that I did well on the other stations.


Anyone else have a similar experience? How did you find the writing station? Do you have any ideas about how much it might be weighted in the interview/admission process?

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Good question. I have no idea what they truly look for. Part of me thinks it's more of a quick test to demonstrate you have written English communication ability (that they could see easily from skimming your essay), but part of me thinks they actually do evaluate the content, flow, organization of your essay. It's hard to say, and as a fellow applicant (i.e. not adcom) I really don't know. I can imagine that it would definitely require a lot more effort/resources to do the latter, however.


Maybe someone who knows more can chime in?


That being said, I know it probably seems horrifying, and I understand why you're feeling so bad, but there is no use in beating yourself up over it now. All we can do at this point is to wait and enjoy ourselves in the meantime.


Best of luck to you! :)

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During the writing station, I spent way too much time planning my essay...I had barely begun my intro paragraph when I was told there was 5 (or 15...can't remember now) minutes remaining. Anyways I rushed through three paragraphs (barely legible, though my writing is usually very neat) and was just about to start my conclusion when time ran out. Needless to say, I was horrified!


Yet, I feel that I did well on the other stations.


Anyone else have a similar experience? How did you find the writing station? Do you have any ideas about how much it might be weighted in the interview/admission process?


I thought I wrote the best essays and they didn't like them. Just relax and enjoy life and forget about it until May;)

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