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pacing or walking around… or even standing (think multiple whiteboards)... while studying increases cerebral blood flow, cerebral vasoconstriction (could kick headache?) catecholamine synthesis, reduces fatigue…


My physiology prof said this is false, that cerebral blood flow stays relatively constant all the time

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My physiology prof said this is false, that cerebral blood flow stays relatively constant all the time


Ask your prof to explain to you how fMRI works. As soon as he says it measures changes in cerebral blood flow, tell him WTF? :D

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pacing or walking around… or even standing (think multiple whiteboards)... while studying increases cerebral blood flow, cerebral vasoconstriction (could kick headache?) catecholamine synthesis, reduces fatigue…


Thanks for the tip, I don't study all that well while pacing though... and I have yet to get a white board!!I know like 0 about the brain at this point, but I am pretty sure vasoconstriction will lead to a headache not help it. For example Call-Fleming syndrome leads to vasospasm -> major headaches! oui? no?

hope you're doing well musey, you in dental school now?

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well, actually, if you think of caffeine compensatory headaches, they're caused by increased adenosine binding where caffeine usually acts as a competitive antagonist, causing vasodilation and bad migraines… migraines, cluster headaches… you're also right that vasoconstriction can cause headache, it's usually a different type of pain… tbh, when it comes to headaches… it seems like anything causes headache, lol


mmm, no teeth drilling for me, I've got something nice set up, but I'm still fed up, i should just get a degree in everything, rofl


Thanks for the tip, I don't study all that well while pacing though... and I have yet to get a white board!!I know like 0 about the brain at this point, but I am pretty sure vasoconstriction will lead to a headache not help it. For example Call-Fleming syndrome leads to vasospasm -> major headaches! oui? no?

hope you're doing well musey, you in dental school now?

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  • 2 weeks later...

This doesn't really have anything to do with being a medical student except for the fact that it occurred on my walk to school.


While crossing the street with several other people in front of the UBC hospital I got pooped on by a demon seagull. Fortunately it didn't hit my face but it hit at my knee and ran all the way down my calf into my shoe... in front of spectators! FML

and I was wearing shorts, and no socks....

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This isn't related to medicine, but I lost my probabilities book, can't find it at home, security doesn't have it, the prof and those who sit near me say they don't have it, the bookstore and used books don't have it, the library won't allow me to take it with me because it's the book of a course (I doubt the TA has it but I emailed him and waiting for an answer). FML! I will most likely drop this course, I don't have luck with it.

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