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Is this really bad? :(


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Just feel a bit confuse and dunno what to do for the moment, and I feel like my grade might go down if I don't settle this out soon :( ... I met my gf's best friend and I think I like her ... but I like my gf too. I tried not to pay any attention to my gf's best friend, yet I unconciously wandering on her fb and look at her photos ... urghh ... is it ethical? :(


My GPA dropt down from 3.95 to 3.89 after one term! and I am in my 3rd year already :( It wont be a disaster now, but who know what will happen in my 4th year

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Just feel a bit confuse and dunno what to do for the moment, and I feel like my grade might go down if I don't settle this out soon :( ... I met my gf's best friend and I think I like her ... but I like my gf too. I tried not to pay any attention to my gf's best friend, yet I unconciously wandering on her fb and look at her photos ... urghh ... is it ethical? :(


Hmm.. maybe this should go in the Lounge..


Anyways, LOL. This is actually kind of funny, sorry.


Honestly, you can't force yourself to stop feeling a certain way. It's like lying to yourself. Looks like you're gonna be in an sticky situation XD

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I think you're looking for advice on the wrong forum my friend, but I'll still try to help you out.


What are your priorities right now? Your personal relationships, or getting good grades? I know it might not be what you want to hear, but my guess is that it's probably best for you to put all your distractions aside and focus on school. If you can really afford it, just take a good hard look at yourself, have a good talk to your girlfriend and settle things the way you feel appropriate before they get out of hand.


Hope that helps, but really, this isn't the place to be looking for this kind of advice.

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Just feel a bit confuse and dunno what to do for the moment, and I feel like my grade might go down if I don't settle this out soon :( ... I met my gf's best friend and I think I like her ... but I like my gf too. I tried not to pay any attention to my gf's best friend, yet I unconsciously wandering on her fb and look at her photos ... urghh ... is it ethical? :(


Well, at this point based on the information you have given, I don't think it is unethical at the moment. It is natural for everyone to be interested in others at one point or another. The key point here is that you have not done anything wrong YET! Now, are you physically attracted to your gf's friend or is it more of an emotional attraction. Love can be a funny thing. If this is just superficial, I am sure your judgment will get the better of you and you will realize the good thing you have going with your gf. If however, you for more emotionally attracted to this girl ( ie: personality, interests.. ect.. ) you should analyze your relationship with your g.f. . In any case, I doubt, her best friend will be interested in you if you dump your g.f. for her.


Take this with a grain of salt, as I am not in a relationship at the moment. :)





***this thread should be moved to the Lounge ****

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People have already helped you out with some pretty solid advice.


I'm just going to throw in my 2cents with a giant LOL at the fact that you asked "is this ethical"


It made my day :) Breaking up with your girlfriend because you like her best friend better doesn't pop up in the CanMED Roles as a physician faux pas so i think you're safe on that count.


Premed's really freak me out sometimes :rolleyes::P

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Just feel a bit confuse and dunno what to do for the moment, and I feel like my grade might go down if I don't settle this out soon :( ... I met my gf's best friend and I think I like her ... but I like my gf too. I tried not to pay any attention to my gf's best friend, yet I unconciously wandering on her fb and look at her photos ... urghh ... is it ethical? :(


My GPA dropt down from 3.95 to 3.89 after one term! and I am in my 3rd year already :( It wont be a disaster now, but who know what will happen in my 4th year



Calm down. What you have described is just life. These things happen. Others here have offered advice that seem to make sense. Consider those. Also a difference of 0.06 in your GPA is not that earth-shattering. Plus, we don't know if there are any confounding variables such as difficulty of courses from one term to the next.


I do feel for you. However I've got 99 problems...

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If you didn't explicitly say you were in third year i would have thought you were a first year for sure. Grow some balls, figure out what you want, and act on whatever you decide.


A bunch of e-people (us) will not be able to shed some magical light on this situation for you.

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Just feel a bit confuse and dunno what to do for the moment, and I feel like my grade might go down if I don't settle this out soon :( ... I met my gf's best friend and I think I like her ... but I like my gf too. I tried not to pay any attention to my gf's best friend, yet I unconciously wandering on her fb and look at her photos ... urghh ... is it ethical?


My GPA dropt down from 3.95 to 3.89 after one term! and I am in my 3rd year already It wont be a disaster now, but who know what will happen in my 4th year



:eek: Thats maaaaadness :rolleyes:


This would be a great scenario question for med interview :D

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Hmm.. maybe this should go in the Lounge..


Anyways, LOL. This is actually kind of funny, sorry.


Honestly, you can't force yourself to stop feeling a certain way. It's like lying to yourself. Looks like you're gonna be in an sticky situation XD



I see what you did there, you tricky dog. Top notch!


OP: I absolutely recommend trying to date both girls as once. My pro-tip would be to initiate study sessions with the new girl! That way you will have an excuse for "late nights in the library" or what have you. More importantly, this extended time together will let her see how awesome you are.


Seriously though, your should realize the vast majority of college couples do not make it through to the end. This is one of the major reasons for dating, finding the right fit. If it don't feel right, it don't feel right and I would be inclined to get out of there ASAP regardless of whether or not there was someone else waiting in the wings. The bottom line is that it isn't fair to either person to continue on after one of you has come to the realization that it isn't working.

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Pro tip? really?


OP, if you are getting such thoughts about female #2, while being with female #1, then there is a great chance that your relationship will crumble soon and won't be permanent. In that case, break up. Don't use female #1 to get to know female #2. That's a d*ck move. Rumours spread like herpes, so don't put yourself in a vulnerable situation.

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