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Clarification on an "Honours" Degree

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From what I understand, it depends on the university.


At some universities, "honours" refers to all four-year programs. General programs are three years.


At other universities, "honours" programs require the completion of a fourth-year thesis. Those that don't complete a thesis still graduate with a four year degree, but it is not an honours program.


Other universities require a certain GPA to be granted "honours" status.


If you are referring to the admission requirement for Western's medical school, it is my understanding that "honours" or equivalent means that you have completed a standard four year degree that would render you eligible to apply for a graduate program at the end of the four year university undergraduate program.

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Hello. Can someone clarify the difference between an Honours BSc degree, and a regular degree?




I did an honours B.Sc and they replaced 6 to 10 general elective courses with level 400 courses in my major plus a project thesis (full-year). The total credit is the same, thus the honour program didn't lengthen my study. However, this depends on the specific university, I believed.


Hope that help :)

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From what I understand, it depends on the university.


At some universities, "honours" refers to all four-year programs. General programs are three years.


At other universities, "honours" programs require the completion of a fourth-year thesis. Those that don't complete a thesis still graduate with a four year degree, but it is not an honours program.


Other universities require a certain GPA to be granted "honours" status.


If you are referring to the admission requirement for Western's medical school, it is my understanding that "honours" or equivalent means that you have completed a standard four year degree that would render you eligible to apply for a graduate program at the end of the four year university undergraduate program.


ok good timing! This afternoon I started to draft a sticky for the western thread about this. We get so many questions about it and while it is really at heart it is simple there are a few extra things to consider.


We are working on updating the website to get everything pinned down - I am really hoping to do that this summer :) I was told today that it cannot just be any graduate program - for instance an MBA doesn't count. It basically has to be a masters in the same discipline. You can be asked to confirm your degree will count - upon which you have to go to your home school and ask them to provide prove the degree allows you continue to a masters (this actually allows for a way of verifying if you are worried about what it means with respect to your degree). Almost all the 4 year degree I have ever heard of would seem to work but there could be some special degree out there that I don't know about :)

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I did an honours B.Sc and they replaced 6 to 10 general elective courses with level 400 courses in my major plus a project thesis (full-year). The total credit is the same, thus the honour program didn't lengthen my study. However, this depends on the specific university, I believed.


Hope that help :)


Thanks! That helps a bit! :)

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